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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Czar Kudo Solver

    Ty for the support means a lot
  2. Czar

    Czar Kudo Solver

    w00t ty guys s3 eta: when ww3 ends
  3. Yes working on it, trying to manually unlock the barrel at tempoross atm
  4. Done gl sir please bot responsibly
  5. Will do, I can't believe I missed those
  6. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done gl guys enjoy please bot responsibly!
  7. Done gl guys enjoy please bot responsibly
  8. Welcome back Yeah basically what space said. It'll try to use the latest java, it's best to uninstall any java higher than 8, or if you need higher javas for other games then best bet is to run a cmd line pointing to the exact java 8 dir in program files and you can keep both
  9. 4 hours is not bad for fishing, especially if powerfishing it's relatively afk so super safe.. You're in good hands with this bot I'll be doing minnows soon as I've been seeing a lot of people get 99 fishing there recently and i've been inspired to also do the same Trials enabled gl guys, got a nice update being pushed later today as well, will update the thread again with latest info.
  10. My bad I may have misunderstood Yep can confirm it does hop to w330, a must-have tbh, especially for newer accs it's a lifesaver instead of having to manually log every acc into the right world
  11. Use mirror No issues here at vyres
  12. No built in break manager just yet, but I am coding one atm especially needed for chaos altar, I'll be making it walk behind the house before taking a break - this should help with safety against pkers. I will auth you as soon as the break manager is added. For gilded altars it will choose the highest ranked house in the list (1st one), and then it'll keep going to that same house until the owner goes away, to which it will then choose a new house (1st on list) each time, if there's a better way lemme know but I've found it's the best way
  13. I am building a list of DS2 and SOTF accounts to sell, please tell me how much you would buy for, they are not ready just yet though plan to be ready within the month.
  14. Replied in dms Lmk if anyone else needs help with plugins or crabs etc. @RandomAccessM It could be searching for npcs, lemme know which monster you fighting I'll help you set it up. If it's a newer npc it may not be finding it, best to start the bot near the npc and then it will save/remember that tile for future Also helps if you set a fightbox (F7 key) but not absolutely needed. For my safespotting needs I just set the F6 key and fight with ranged/mage ^^
  15. It's released just pending approval atm, if you want a trial lmk
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I will add Isle of souls chest, first I need to see what/where it is on wiki/youtube Should be a simple addition I assume!
  17. Thank you Just noted everything down will work on these and re-auth you another 24 hr trial, thanks my friend
  18. I believe there is no config for antifire, you will have to use some sort of a time tracker in combination with onMessage (to see when anti-fire effect runs out)
  19. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    @tolga439 ty will make some modifications to the setup code ^^ It ain't possible but I will help you achieve your botting goals @os99Magics it is definitely possible to make profit (and irl profit too) using this bot, people usually make their money back within the first day
  20. I will modify the behaviour to single-click if camera is zoomed out. Ty for the suggestion if you got any more ideas lmk I will add them too Be careful please bot responsibly, usually these things don't affect bans it's more so how long you bot vs how long you break for, mouse movements and profiling. I personally take humanlike breaks and have managed to get easy 99s lately
  21. New Update (v9.0) - Added Falador Spawn Point support -- (BUG FIX): No longer runs to Lumbridge bank after dying and respawning in Falador. - Now waits a random amount of seconds after dying, before hopping worlds. -- Should no longer spam/fail to click the next world thanks to the delay. - Added randomised delay between walking, when walking toward the Chaos Altar -- No longer spam clicks the map. - Added a bug fix for trying to select Bank + Glory (chaos altar) and not selecting food -- No longer gets stuck at bank with food unselected. Should notice improved behaviour and more humanlike actions after this update goes live. Version will auto-update within 24 hours enjoy!
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