Yes overriding breaks will be using the F5 key and the tile should light up brown, it'll use that over the normal tile
Trials enabled gl sir
Thank you for the support @jujusock first of all I will commit to doing a better job providing information about the script in the main thread, will edit it with a more informative design.
- Breaks: if we don't select a custom break tile the bot will just break as soon as it leaves combat. I highly recommend setting a custom tile using the F5 key (CTRL to bring up all the hotkeys)
- For equipment we need to select checkboxes for equipment slots, e.g. hat/weapon/shield, type name and then tick the Banking icon so it withdraws items from bank. If it had the items in inventory and didn't equip them, could potentially be a problem which I'll take care of.
- The setup window is pending a massive rewrite over the years I've been adding new options quickly to speed up updates (and reduce waiting times) at the expense of a simpler GUI. The new setup window will have more explanations, you'll see less features that you didn't ask for e.g. new cannon tab will only be shown if selected cannon etc.
- Auto upgrade atm will not withdraw new armour from bank (only sees inventory items) it just tries equip the next level gear from bronze -> dragon (melee) and shortbow -> magic shortbow (ranged). We don't have d'hide armour there just yet but I'll add it to the list ASAP. Mage is also on the list for upcoming updates.
- These are development texts only for me, I will hide them my apologies it's related to the banking system and supposed to let us know which banking conditions are not met yet, e.g. there's one for "restore health A" if returning to bank with lower health
I will clarify these options in the main thread too, just to make sure there is no confusion