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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Should be back to normal, please update clients to .46 now glglgl
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Guys please update your clients back to .46 the recent client stuff has been resolved all bots should be back to normal now. Authed trials gl guys @S0905523 I fully agree with you, I will be picking up where I left off with blackjacking and will do rogues den bank update thereafter. EDIT: Just saw this, for anyone wondering: when doing vyres or elves, be sure to select sticky npc -> run script -> hit f1 -> you should be able to manually select npcs. This is for npcs that have multiple names (e.g. elves or fremmy warriors or vyres) jagex 1 botters 0. The "select an npc" menu doesn't appear unless you hit sticky npc btw! Be careful xD
  3. Any time, also welcome to vip I recommend using mirror at all times ^^
  4. Just like there's a bot detector plugin, there's also an anti-bot detector plugin which just feeds a lot of fake/random usernames to mess with them
  5. Done authed gl sir, since you're using stealth I recommend hardware mouse for better results, gotta protect acc always
  6. No support for that specific one yet but good idea I'll work on it then give you a free 24hr trial how's that
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    No blackjack yet kinda forgot about those they don't even give any decent profit but I will do some work on those IIRC I still need to add luring system there. Was also going to say un-noting but jug of wines is the meta atm Rogues den ty for the support atm it needs to be babysat with full energy otherwise it'll just keep failing. I'm working on making it search traps individually instead of doing the running trick, and needs banking for energy as well
  8. Is resolution fixed/classic/resized? Please confirm so I know what to look for
  9. I'll post an update that switches to item ids instead of item names @Raidboss apparently with mirror client members' items like herblore stuff can sometimes glitch after X minutes/hours. Temp fix is client restart but that's annoying Will be submitting v104 you should see higher reliability with mirror in this version. Also trials enabled glglgl
  10. Welcome to the community, please bot responsibly It is best to take breaks when botting for the best results, use hardware mouse if stealth injection, and new mouse if mirror client. Done just authed you the bot for 24 hrs glglgl
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    It is best to have at least 2-3 empty inventory slots (1 slot for coins 1 slot for pouch 1 free) to be safe, otherwise the game won't let it pickpocket (?) I could be wrong though. I remember this being the only way otherwise open to suggestions EDIT: @UIMGUY After spending couple hours adding a new option for second chest, I realised we already have this feature (ignore the colour scheme): This option should be looting the southern chest, my apologies for all the confusion
  12. For some reason it auto-defaults to latest version, you need to manually type the java bin dir, I was going to say uninstall java 11 but runelite + a bunch of other games need it so nothing we can do @echo off title OSBot "C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre1.8.0_291/bin/java.exe" -jar "OSBot.jar" pause Change jre version to your exact 8 version "1.8.0_321"
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I will add a new setting to also take care of the other chest. I'll set it to something like "Nature chest + North Chest" or similar Also love the idea of stealing cakes to replenish food, I will work on this it will take some time to implement though because it's a bit more complicated than other features but I'm sure it's possible.
  14. Are the remaining items < 14 items? e.g. 5 vials of water left, or is it way higher? Please confirm. I have it set to stop if we have less than 14, so I need to know what to chase. I will take a look at this regardless and see if I can replicate Not yet forgot about this I will give it another try. Any reason for these? I don't think guthix rests are even bought/sold on GE
  15. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Holy fuck. BASED. Can I add to main thread please? I'm 6 levels behind @ 92 atm doing prifddinas for the crystals
  16. Done authed gl sir enjoy I recommend cakes for 10 hp or brews/wines for 30+ hp. Best to do chop fletch burn at lower wc levels (and switch to chop burn after 500 points), and chop burn at higher levels. glglgl
  17. I have quick logout 100% coded, just need to submit the update I didn't wanna submit without doing full extended test runs (10hr+ without dying). Luckily was able to copy the code from my prayer's anti-pk system and it works really really well. Got a huge list of updates underway for this script, apologies for delay had to map some areas, add some functionality for some npcs, some extra stuff like tele out after task etc. Big list coming soon. Lava drags are 100% on the list too, I've set aside a couple test accs solely for lavas, I'm serious about it
  18. Rip just hit 75 on my noob account no bans made like 20M cash stack alone I recommend taking some breaks from time to time, avoid using VPN and bad proxies, avoid multilogging, use Stealth + Hardware mouse, OR Mirror Mode + New Mouse, you will see incredible results.
  19. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Works similar to my fighter bot so first you gotta stand on desired tile, then hit the F2 key and it should light up green/yellow. Nats I'll keep an eye on those, started near the chest btw? If not dw about it. Make sure it's the southern chest, I believe the northern ardy chest is empty and not thievable (I could be wrong). I highly recommend doing pickpocketting all the way, it helps a lot with ban prevention. I personally view stalls and chests as "monotonous" clicking, whereas pickpocketting is inherently randomised (amplified by stuns as well). I did a lot of 99s this way, I think I only did tea stalls to 38 then master farmers to 82 and vyres to 99. API click likes to move the mouse while clicking, I personally don't like this so I made it optional
  20. No drift netting, but I will consider it, seen a lot of people using it lately, hopefully not too expensive I think it costs like 200k gp/hr to train there? Xp rates are nice though ^^
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