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Everything posted by Timekeeper

  1. Guy paid for his service not his fault you left shit on there after you finished. Lol'd irl at reading post, reminds me of that one post where the guy purchased 2m, and whoever accidently gave him 20m, then demanded he refund, then called him a scammer in a dispute. Lol Your fucks up =/= him being a scammer, he paid for a service, received his service, not his fualt someone left a bunch of goodies on his account
  2. Paying around $1 for good advice on how to invest $500? Okay I got this one. Buy a wallet and put it in it
  3. "Cutest" girl in the world? Alright everybody have a seat and we will take roll now since apparently we are back in fuckin middle school
  4. Thats because Gold is God. And let us not kid ourselves, they are assistants, not mods. ;D
  5. This. No proof, no evidence, no nothing. Wants to remain anonymous but reported him. Tbh I don't like the dude never got a long with him, but the expectation of someone plotting a scam then running around "telling multiple people" yet only a single report sounds pretty doubtful to me. Don't get me wrong the guy is a bitch and I am glad for personal gratification he is gone, but this also sounds a lot like a vendetta ban rather than a "scam prevention" ban. Tl;DR: OSBot gonna OSBot
  6. You would only know there was multiple brags if you had multiple reports but you have stated only a single report. Interdasting.
  7. The important thing to remember here is, This guy was hand picked to be staff and promoted. It's hilarious to see them when their near-non-existant "power" is removed.
  8. Lol...Levi would already know exactly who he said shit to so edit the name out? A shadow ban, how interdasting....
  9. Would be interested in seeing proof of the plot to scam quit
  10. For what seems to be eons. I have traveled into Longtan Park in Beijing to see the flowers bloom, I even tossed aside my map and traveled into the depths of the city where I found Americans were almost universally gladly accepted and integrated into social mingles, I found the perplexities of a language barrier where neither of us understood the other, however seemed to completely understand one another an experience not soon forgotten. I traveled to Paris to seek the experience and memory of seeing the eiffle tower, of walked on a structure that lived through one of the most horrific wars known to man kind. I found, not surprisingly, many of the men there did not take kindly to Americans, however the woman seem to have a different view altogether, they pawed for information about my culture, about how it is to live in America, they seemed to have a Hollywoodesque view of how America really was, and who am I to disturb the placid waters of dreams? I've seen the Blackforest in Germany, I've drank saki in a friendly what appeared more of a shack than a bar in Hong Kong. I stayed up all night for a week partaking in the Irish's favorite pastime in a little home front off the beaten path in Ireland. I was in egypt when the uprising first began and I was in Syria before a shot was ever fired. I feel like this world churns slowly towards oblivion at times, but at times I cannot help but wonder how such beautiful experiences can coexist with such hate and intolerance. I dwell on such experiences as hallmarks of my travel through life, and I always look forward to the next great adventure, but the one thing I have never found in all my stumblings on this rock we call earth, however hard I sought for it, no regard to then incredible void it leaves deep in my physce, is..... a single fuck to give.
  11. Dat December release date doe Must have meant December 2014
  12. Since this was my idea, I expect a free copy. Kthx
  13. Captains log: We have been adrift for some time now and however I adamantly denied it, I find I must admit are chances for hope have slipped. Our forcast looks bleak, and I don't know how much longer the oxygen scrubbers will last. Tell Mary I love her, and tell ol yeller not to fight with any wolves. End of captains log
  14. I go into my meeting with the President in 10 minutes, I need my bot working by then because it's a 30 minute meeting and if I don't bot for those 30 minutes how will I be able to support my baller mill seller life style?
  15. Please make them here we need as many as we can get because one isnt enough
  16. Get on my level Gratz on being poverty level ^
  17. Let's all agree I am the most trusted and to just buy everything you need from me okay? ty
  18. Serious, just strong what the fuaks all the way. If someone set a kilo of coke in front of me and the firct copy of Season 3 of House of Cards will god damn if it wouldnt be the hardest decision in my life on which one to take.
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