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  1. lumby willows don't work for me, walks to near the ham entrance and then stands still
  2. Can be rude/funny/runescape related I don't mind. I'll use the craziest
  3. Does anyone know who wrote the chat copy/dancing bot army in lumby w1? Pretty funny.
  4. I tried the osrs app but it was hard to use, even accepting a trade was a little tricky for me. I guess over time it would get easier but I couldn't stick it. I find it slow enough playing on pc hence the bots ?
  5. did you download the new version? I had an older one that didn't show the pop up too
  6. Mine has a full inventory and still tries to pick items up. Nice other than that though. Thank you
  7. I looove auto clicking projects, so simple that it's satisfying
  8. There are plenty of guns in the UK, my town is known for having a huge legit gun trade, nothing illegal about owning guns when you have the correct licenses. The only guns you can't get are full autos and small hand guns. If a kid wanted to get a gun they'd have no problem in doing so. When was the last school shooting in the uk? 13 March 1996.. When was the last school shooting in the US? April 20th 2018 and there have been 17 in 2018 so far.. I'm sorry but you don't see someone with a knife running around stabbing everyone in a school or in a concert like someone in call of duty with commando pro. Yes there are knife crime and stabbings but they are normally single target attacks or gang vs gang. But idk, kids here don't go into schools wanting to kill everyone. That's obviously a mental thing, the weapon is just an enabler
  9. Hi all, I have been thinking/wondering for a while.. if I bot for one hour and then go and play legit without logging off for 2 more hours, will it look like 3 hours of suspicious use or 1 hour? Or does it just not make any difference at all? If I log off and then log back on does that make the one hour of botting look even more suspicious? Just shower thoughts.
  10. nice that one did the trick for me thank you!!
  11. 0% on crafting PogChamp
  12. ended up buying some alts at peak, dunno what to do apart from sit it out and hope
  13. thank you so much!! good luck everyone
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