This was indeed two separate orders, the first being for 18M and the second for being 15.4M. Shai will be posting the proof of this in a little bit. At first we were in agreement to the 15.4M and then he wanted the 18M as well. I thought this perhaps was a bit absurd because it being a different trade. Seeing as Shai worked an immense amount of time refunding the 18M + 15.4M was out of line. Of course if the staff thinks otherwise I will need a week or so to refund both those. The order was not completed because after 47 defence was gained Shai just went into a state of panic and was really upset over this, of course if need be we will finish the remainder of the quests if needed. Shai will be posting the quests not completed along with the screenshots of two separate trades. Another thing I'd like to add not to get out of paying but to show the mistake was not only on our fault, is that we gave him a complete quest list of what we would be doing. This was definitely not on purpose and we're deeply sorry.