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Everything posted by Mustikurupt

  1. This is some excellent info right here, if you got a small package, the recommendation is to have smaller balls
  2. Every guy wants the ''kitty'' as you call it, but the difference is if the guy likes the girl or not. Can't really blame OP for being anxious if he's been waiting for a while, he doesn't want to be friendzoned man
  3. lol how long have you been talking? I can understand your frustration, give it a bit more time. If she continues, then let her know you don't wanna see her anymore. lol that constant paranoia about being friend zoned, it happens to all of us
  4. Trump, the only guy who won't be controlled by the establishment and can't be bribed either. People complain of politicians being too PC, but say they will move to Canada if Trump is elected. Nice logic there
  5. I'm having trouble killing Zulrah because my shitty laptop is having FPS problems and is making it really slow, it's constantly at 12-13 fps and is even dropping to 6-7 fps, is there any way to increase it so i won't be lagging so damn much? Would appreciate any help
  6. A busdriver in Russia fell asleep on the wheel and hit a pole, this is the only video i could find though It's a pretty crazy crash so beware https://www.facebook.com/Gummieisenbahn/videos/1677856629098518/?pnref=story
  7. If that's the case then i'm gonna have to wait for the new jail break to be released
  8. Can someone give good suggestions for a good app, i don't want to use Spotify because it confuses me and i can't download music manually from there and save it on my phone, i don't want to use Itunes either, just straight forward on the phone.
  9. If this is made with Photoshop, then somebody better do it for me, i don't know jack shit about using PS
  10. Today marks 2 years since i joined this bot site. Before i joined, i was paying chinese goldfarmers to bot for me and level up my character on RS. I won't forget my first 99 that i got back in December 2013, i used a free script on here and was botting 24/7. I've seen many people come and go, alot of them seemed trustworthy, but ended up scamquitting. Alot of good memories here, i hope it continues because i plan on staying because OSbot has the best community of all the bot sites. Have a nice one everyone.
  11. Just here to increase my post count
  12. I agree, it seems people only really care when something happens in a developed country, where terrorist attacks aren't common, like France.
  13. I was inactive for a while, if i ask for Veteran rank again, i'm pretty sure i can get it back though
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