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Everything posted by Mustikurupt

  1. Hey you're back. In celebration, i'm gonna let you borrow 100 mill, just don't scam ok?
  2. I'm roughly 80 k away from 85 range, i'm getting around 95 k range xp per hour, using prayer potions and ancient mace. For blowpipe i'm using steel darts. I spend almost 400 k per hour just on scales, but after selling pure ess and herbs, i only lose around 200 k. I want to get to 90 range, should i start chinning? or should i just stick with my blowpipe, which is better?
  3. I hope he logs in one day before you can change your name lol
  4. This video was too cringy not to post, if he had DBZ merch he would look much better
  5. lol for those of you who are into fitness, you might have heard of Synthol, that oily substance that is used by bodybuilders to inject right before a show to get their weak bodyparts a little bigger. This fucking dude thinks this shit is fucking steroids, i hope he has a Synthol contest named after him, lmao delusional prick
  6. Jelly can be used as alternative lube, while jam messes it up
  7. I know that, i meant to ask if a bulk diet was a long term plan, sorry for the misunderstanding.
  8. How's the progress going? Is this your first cycle? And i think Sus 250 was unnecessary, should have just stuck with the usual Test. And what are your goals, to bulk up or just go through a cutting phase? Either way, good luck
  9. I'm glad you agree my friend, and when you say she's using sex as a measure of control and power, it's likely a shit test. By that i mean that she knows her market value is very high, so by holding on to it, it gives her that feeling of entitlement. Let her know that you aren't obsessed with what she's got to offer and that you can find better elsewhere.
  10. Fuck no, that is terrible advice. You can spend 1000 $ on a girl and there would still be no guarantee that he would get laid. Being romantic won't cut it. That is some delusional thinking and the wrong way to go about it. In my opinion, this guy has two options. Tell her it's over and be done with her, OR just be a jerk or an asshole and tell her you want to meet somewhere and you don't show up. Basically be an unreliable douchebag, she won't be able to handle it. Fuck the romantic shit, it's a bitch move.
  11. Fucking hell man, if she's being that persistent, she's cheating. No way in hell someone your age is continuously gonna say no to sex, unless she's getting it somewhere else. This is the time to tell her it's over and that if she doesn't wanna give it up, then you'll find it elsewhere. Remember, pussy is pussy. You can have a friend with benefits if you want, with no emotional connection. Either way, good luck and make the right choice.
  12. Welcome back,Thank you Based God
  13. Mustikurupt


    Solarmovie.is, go search for Furious 7
  14. Well said, so many have entered the wrestling business and left within the week because they couldn't hang with it. Wrestling is love, wrestling is life. TNA, LU, NXT, ROH, NWJP, etc, love them all.
  15. I was taught a valuable lesson, and that was; never let those Chinese folks train your account. I was paying them to level up my account, before i discovered OSbot. They took a few whips from me, i was a fool, never again. Thankfully it didn't get banned or caught for botting.
  16. Glad i don't have a girlfriend, the things people do for ''love'' is insane. Hope it works out for the better man I know what you mean, bitches like that want the asshole type, and alot of girls are like that when they're young.
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