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  1. @Fruity Hey man really liking the script so far ! Would it be possible to add fairy ring support in a near update maybe ? Would save a lot of time instead of using the charter boat and a lot less expensive than teleport scrolls !
  2. Have you read & agreed to my ToS*? : Yes. Do you agree to deposit 20m? : Yes. What is your Skype ? : xilam.rs What are you applying for? (Powerleveller/Quester/Minigames) : I can offer the 3 of these services. Do you have any experience with a service? : I have never tried wroking for any AIO services yet, but I must say I have great experience in the game itself in general, both RS# and Oldschool. I could deffinetly provide you with fast and reliable service. Please contact my skype if interested.
  3. Xilam

    Can't buy VIP

    When I click ''add to cart'' it gets me to an error page ''Oops! Someting went wrong.'' Tried multiple times and still can't manage to do it.
  4. I agree. Bidding on this website is totally pointless, seller will decide to sell when it reaches an amount he considers high enough, which is alway the A/W or a bit less. No point in bidding if there is no time limit.
  5. 35m for barrows. I'd like to see the account status though.
  6. Damn that's unfortunate, really wish I could easily buy accounts
  7. Hey I just recently thought about buying accounts for a small bot farm that I wish to start. I want buying high combat stats accounts (which are pretty expensive). My problem is that I don't know if I can fully trust the sellers. Is there a way to be 100% sure the account cannot be recovered after purshase ? Because basically all the guy as to do is sell me the account, change email to mine change pass etc, wait a couple of weeks and recover the account via recovery questions and/or message jagex about account loss ... Basically i'd like to know if theres a safe way to buy accounts or if the only way is to ''trust'' these guys ? Thanks !
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