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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. Maldesto


    The only one that matters
  2. With all he did to me, he is still a better choice than you.
  3. My favorite people that and scripters Two of the people I would choose last, thanks for the suggestion though!
  4. I don't even have to read this to know he is probably talking about some girl he isn't going to have sex with, but wants to.
  5. You can sell them, his TOS is invalid.
  6. If you post a racist meme in here am I gonna ban you? Probably, if it was in the random section would I ban you or warn you, NO. Random is basically free for all, you can trash talk, meme, post bull shit about whoever and whatever(except me cuz i cry) Basically a NSFW section.
  7. This section would have minimal rules, such as no black hat activities/real life info, but everything else is go, memes, vulgar, anything goes. I would make it so only people that requested to view the section could view it, so if you didn't want to be involved, I wouldn't put you in there. No one could post pictures in chat of the section etc, it has to stay to that section. Would you want to see this?
  8. Who would you choose to promote to trial mod if you could? This is a serious thread, so please no trolling. This isn't the spam section. Thanks, Maldesto
  9. You pm'd me when you made this thread :p. I replied, and sent you your email.
  10. Thanks for your contribution to osbot
  11. Lol no one has done anything for you and yet, you "magically found your email" to log in and post this. LOL I'll merge your accounts, you can use Scotty. Fixed
  12. Maldesto

    Stealth Quester

    It is thursday, the bot is broken at the moment.
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