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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. Veteran These are members of OSBot who have been here from the beginning and have respectfully been active and helped the growth of OSBot. Pm Maldesto if you meet the requirements. Registration Date: December 31, 2013 cut off date. Post Count: 500 or above. Activity/Contribution: Judged by staff team.
  2. Buy a gift voucher, use that to buy the script. http://osbot.org/forum/store/gift-vouchers/
  3. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/48743-aio-market-guide-read/ Due to the global TOS, I can't force a refund, as nothing was stated before hand to let him know it would be safe, no offer was made if it was banned. If there is anything other than him saying he hasn't botted, such as "i will refund if it gets banned" or something along those lines, or "I promise it won't be banned"
  4. Lol, wasn't us, was probably the phishing link you clicked, or bot you downloaded via youtube.
  5. I have an Iphone, but i am so sick of apples stupid products. Once my iphone breaks, I will never get another one.
  6. I'm scared of heights, that is why i hate airplanes :p I'll stay in an airport, but getting on the plane sucks!
  7. You told him two weeks and it just happens to get banned the next day? Can we provide any more proof to this? Chat logs etc? I've asked the user to post here.
  8. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/72423-tutorial-how-to-properly-cancel-automatic-renewal/
  9. I've asked the user to post here and refund you, the full amount $40.00 if you can provide proof you spent the money for the RP for that account.
  10. Doesn't matter, ip banned due to being a fuckin moron. User on the skype lynx.titan is @Dylan and is ip banned for scamming. They were doing services together and he was sharing his osbot account with him. Glad no one got scammed.
  11. What are you talkin about you have some of the numbers? Lol, obviously you skipped them. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/31785-account-selling-read-before-posting/
  12. Fruity is trying to contact OP to pay him back, user has 72 hours to collect payment/make contact or I will close this thread.
  13. Looks basic and dumb, like usual. I'm not impressed with anything Google does during the holidays or anything.
  14. Once you return it will be removed. I don't believe you recovered it, but I'm not sure what happened. You are the original owner, there is noway they instantly deny you.
  15. Need the correct pictures of the stats/bank/quests/login screen.
  16. I'll give you 1m for the miner
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