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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. I'll give you 1m for the miner
  2. Hire a lawyer, would be easy to prove you were hacked/phished. You seem more concerned about your runescape account than the jail sentence. before denying claims, you may want to remove this video lmao.
  3. Where did he ask for it to be delayed two hours, and you agreed to the service not a worker. You didn't tell him you had workers to do it.
  4. Fruity is responsible for the refund, he sold the account. I have placed the original owner in TWC since he has failed to recover. If he can't recover fruity is liable for the refund and the Original owner will remain in the TWC group as he is selling accounts that he claims to be Original owner and can't recover. I've recovered accounts that were made 5 miles away with literally 0 information other than a user name and made up passes, due to old accounts my buddies made in 4-5th grade and never used. I recovered one that hadn't been logged into since 2004. With just the username, no other information other than the location of mine being close. So if you can't recover, you aren't the original owner or you are the one who recovered it.
  5. Not sure what you are disputing, as that isn't clear. Leave james out of it, could not care what his situation was in this. What exactly did lynx titan scam you of and how?
  6. No need to lie scotty, you had the same part in it as james, you knew exactly what was going on and didn't report it, you allowed the user to frame muffins. You were even told that he had the password and was going to set him up, and you didn't report it once. You let an innocent man get banned and framed because you are to immature to realize what is right and wrong. conversation of scotty + james/david one of those two telling scotty he had muffins offsite acc and was going to scam and was asking for a vps/vpn.
  7. Sorry for your loss, the user has been banned.
  8. He was directly involved in framing Muffins for scamming, which turns out it was jams and his buddy that set him up, and now they are both ip banned.
  9. Can't stop by once a month and expect to maintain veteran status.
  10. I have linked the dispute to arcus, he will respond soon.
  11. Jesus, he gave me eternal life!
  12. Feedback removed, as he clearly agreed to something, figured out he messed up and wasted your time.
  13. You agreed to the terms, you took his money, you then realized you made a mistake, wasted his time and made him take a refund instead of giving him the gold you promised him. I watched the video + the chat Neutral: Neutral feedback is meant for trades that were successful but you are left unsatisfied with how the trade was completed. For example, if you were treated harshly during the trade or the item was not as described, feel free to warn other members of the seller/buyer's attitude or service by leaving neutral feedback. Neutral Feedback Will remain
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