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  1. Hey 2 questions.. 1) Can this be used on an ironman? (So no teleport tabs.. uses runes) 2) Can you do giant seaweed?
  2. Filter<NPC> gorillaFilter; if(myPlayer().isUnderAttack()){ gorillaFilter = n -> n.getName().contains("Demonic") && n.getInteracting() == myPlayer(); }else{ gorillaFilter = n -> n.getName().contains("Demonic") && !n.isUnderAttack(); } NPC a = npcs.closest(gorillaFilter); I am having some trouble determining which gorilla to attack. (Demonic gorilla) After I do boulder dodge, it will sometimes pick some random gorilla very far away and occasionally will just start trying to attack some other gorilla. How can I enhance my `gorillaFilter` ?
  3. Proxies don’t matter unless you’re running a farm, even botting on 2-3 accounts on home IP is fine. You’re using injection though.. as others pointed out, that’s the main problem.
  4. I haven't found that even makes much of a difference, I wrote a 10line iron ore powerminer that I ran for 42hours straight. A 20 line shop buying script that I ran 14hours a day for a week.. I have ran a STR Pump script (very low actions required) that I run 24/7 for over a month on 3 accounts. 0 bans
  5. If you are writing all your own scripts, I've found your ban chance is really near 0. I write 10 line scripts, that I run for 2 weeks+, never caught a ban.
  6. The issue was mirror mode. Injection works fine, ugh so looks like no fix on my end is possible.
  7. Tried switching to Z temporarily, started lagging after a few minutes.
  8. Hmm okay, I see how that could be a program. It does send a backspace, though looks like it may not be recommended. If I send a Z key or something it will fill up my chat and eventually stop entering so It will eventually stop keeping me logged in, so will need to find another method to stay logged in if the backspace is the issue.
  9. Okay, I spoke too soon, it started happening again, I removed everything from my script but the following... All I am trying to do is stop my account from logging out. Ugh, have written tons of scripts that are infinetly more complex, why does this one have so many issues .. seems to take longer before it runs into issues though. Before I noticed it after a few minutes, now it runs for about 30 minutes before I start noticing the lag, maybe a hour until crash happens. @Override public int onLoop() { if(players.myPlayer().isAnimating()){ getKeyboard().pressKey(8); getKeyboard().releaseKey(8); } return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(60000, 240000); }
  10. W10, Mirror Mode. I changed my random method from random(..,..) to ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(..,..+1) And it has seemed to have solved the problem. Very weird That code is never reached, just a failsafe. I removed it and had the same issue.
  11. https://pastebin.com/xagtE9jK Very simple script, not sure how I am possibly having something "leak" to cause an increased amount of lag starting from minute 1 until it eventually crashes after 20minutes or so. Note: the if(players.myPlayer().isAnimating()){ log("animating"); if(random(1,30) == 1){ if(random(1,2) == 1){ log("backspace"); getKeyboard().pressKey(8); getKeyboard().releaseKey(8); }else{ log("random letter"); Random r = new Random(); char c = (char)(r.nextInt(26) + 'a'); new TypeStringEvent(Character.toString(c), false); } } } block is the only block ever getting executed during lagging portion.
  12. Need help with a small task in PHP/mySQL, you have to do 3 things: 1) Upload a image to the server and save the name/desc to mySQL 2) Have gallery to browse the images with Next/Prev button 3) You have to create another gallary using CSS using arrows and display the name/desc over the image. Would be nice if you could screenshare this over skype while your making it or something and explain what your doing. skype - "Brian-dev" If payment is an issue we can discuss it further.
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