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  1. Khal, this is script is great! However, I would like to point out two things: 1) Death walking is not working. When we die in abyss, it will not collect the gear back, it will just end the script saying it could not find a glory to teleport. 2) CPU usage is waaay too high. I can run 15-20 woodcutting bots using your WC script, but runecrafting one completely smokes the CPU. Two clients are using almost 100% of my CPU with this script on Stealth. Would you be able to look into this please?
  2. I have one, although it's pretty high level. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/160902-high-level-zulrah-account-96-ranged-96-mage-95hp/
  3. Maxlaxen

    Fruity NMZ

    The barrow repair worked great in MM! Break manager executed when it fully degraded and after the break it went to repair and started a new dream without any issues. I have ran into another problem though, anybody else experiencing this? When I make a new profile and tick the flick rapid heal option, it does not get saved. The next time I load the profile it does not load the flick option and I have to turn it on manually every time I start the bot. I have tried with different settings, gear, accounts and computers but the problem persists. I think this happened after the .69 update, profiles I have since before that still load the flick option but any new profiles I try to make now it does not work.
  4. Maxlaxen

    Fruity NMZ

    Permanent. It went on for 12 hours a day for about 9 days hehe. No worries though, was just a regular NMZ account.
  5. Maxlaxen

    Fruity NMZ

    Also caught a ban today unfortunately.
  6. Bid: N/A Autowin: 125m 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) None 3. Pictures of the quests completed QP: 26 Animal Magnetism (Ava's) Regicide (Zulrah) Mage Arena 1 cape 6. The methods of payment you are accepting OSRS GP 7. Your trading conditions Ill go first if you're trusted, otherwise we can use a MM at my expense. 8. Pictures of the account status The account is clean with no offences. 9. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am the Original Owner. The Original Email is set on the account and will be given to you. DISCORD: Username: Maxlaxen#2542 Unique ID: 710782623999328337 Skype: https://join.skype.com/invite/j9VVTasWIZvQ
  7. "I took a risk on an account that I clearly didn't want to risk and now I'm showing my anger by doubting other peoples botting accounts and methods"
  8. Avas and Mage cape 1 Im the OO, Email will be provided, no prior offenses.
  9. I asked you two simple questions that you just ignored. Stop blaming everything around you when you can't even do the simplest task.
  10. I know, but it doesn't save the area you're standing in. So I was wondering if it could either store the coordinates you're currently standing on when you press save, or add an option to "remember last starting position"
  11. Any chance that you could add "Load previous starting position" or something similar? ^^
  12. I've entered my OSBot account login details but nothing happens when I press Enter
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