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Eagle Scripts

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Everything posted by Eagle Scripts

  1. That area will be positioned between the two coordinates you just defined it as --> 3202,3498 and 3223,3506 Wether your player is in that current area or not, the area will keep existing ofcourse. I'm not quite sure what your question is so if this hasn't helped you, please tell me.
  2. Please be a little more specefic. Which docks, which places did it go to and get stuck. please provide me with screenshots otherwise i do not know where to begin.
  3. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/78117-free-fteleporting-850-castshour-30k-50k-exphour-free/#entry1013457
  4. PM me your skype. we can discuss things on there
  5. Heya, Selling 35M 07 for $1,3/M Reply on here or send me a pm if interested.
  6. Sure, trial granted. Bans are not only script-related. if you're flagged and keep using the same ip, you're mostly to get banned afterwards. bear that in mind (: Cheers
  7. I'm here for a long time, isn't that enough proof? also, i said average, which means that some people can indeed have a low banrate on injection too (: If you can use mirror mode, just use it.
  8. Mirror client is like 'stealth' as where injection isn't 'stealth'. So the average ban rate on mirror mode users is lower then injection mode users
  9. I'm not sure if the update has been pushed by the devs yet, what does the console say?
  10. Restart your PC, while doing that, keep the router offline for lets say 3 minutes and then put it online again.
  11. Don't you remember..? I stole your rank and banned you put your wifi off --> on again Close internet browser before doing the above.
  12. SDN scripts update automatically once pushed by devs SDN Update has been pushed, once the Devs accept the update it will be live (: v1.50 Recoded whole script. (Previous errors have been fixed + log spamming has been reduced + added "nopaintpl0x" --> write "nopaintpl0x" in the chat box (DON'T hit enter) to disable the paint)
  13. walking.webWalk(ASSAREA.getRandomPosition()); should work
  14. I've recoded the whole script. I'm tweaking the last few bits and then i'll upload the new K-Fisher to the SDN. I'll probably do it before i'll go to bed. Cheers (:
  15. I've recoded the whole script. I'm tweaking the last few bits and then i'll upload the new K-Fisher to the SDN. I'll probably do it before i'll go to bed. Cheers (:
  16. Granted, use this client tho --> http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=00382358601544530823
  17. Please try this client, it works for me when testing the script --> http://s000.tinyuplo...358601544530823
  18. Make me a avatar related to eagles.
  19. Granted, you should run the client i've posted above though.
  20. Make a check for runes --> if no runes are left --> logout or something private boolean isSupplied(){ if(inventory.getAmount(Runes here) >runes amount needed for 1 cast) { return true; }else{ return false; } } and then make a check for it --> if (isSupplied()==false){ status="Logging out"; log("----------------------------------------------------------------"); log("No resources left, we're stopping the script!"); log("----------------------------------------------------------------"); getLogoutTab().logOut(); stop(); }
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