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Eagle Scripts

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Everything posted by Eagle Scripts

  1. It's always hard to tell what skill / method you should bot. Welcome to Osbot! If you'd like a trial for any of my scripts, reply on their topic (:
  2. I'll be awaiting your GIF. I'll also check it myself in about 10 minutes. EDIT: Just tested, works fine for me. PM me your skype so I can take a look at your scenario.
  3. Let's take this to PM. Send me a PM regarding this idea.
  4. That's only like 1 dialogue faster, no?
  5. Sure give me a GIF. But isn't that what the dialogue is like already?
  6. For paint disabling look at the main page v1.50 update. Profit counter will MAYBE be added into the paint, but not for now. I'm quite busy with school and that's something that's not really a priority imo. For the pirate's quest, how does the dialogue work then? haven't completed it myself.
  7. Yes, if you set it up right it's working flawless (:
  8. It's an interesting style you've got. I think i'm not going to use it though, sorry :P
  9. My name, Eagle Scripts as a signature. Colour should be blue & everything else is up to you (: Would be awesome (:
  10. Because that's a famous and sexy fish
  11. Tell me your skype in PM You are still doing something wrong.
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