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Eagle Scripts

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Everything posted by Eagle Scripts

  1. There's no error or whatsoever, everything is working fine (: Sure, you've been granted a trial of 6hrs, enjoy!
  2. What do you mean? What should be fixed then?
  3. Theres multiple, just take time to search for them. Check the store/scripts This one for example. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/66536-gold-farm-tutorial-island-auto-walk-ip-checker-auto-talker-price-guide-webwalker-new-account-walker-projectpacts-aio-lazy-assistant/page-19?hl=tutorial+island#entry945437
  4. I have no idea , but you could use my AIO Construction script to get that construction yourself! (:
  5. What add-on are you using with Kodi? Genesis used to be beast but it's really failing nowadays.
  6. The mirror client sometimes struggles with reading strings in dialogues. This is why it randomly gets stuck. For example; Ring of dueling teleports look like this --> Duel Arena Castle Wars Clan Wars The mirror client fails to do --> dialogues.selectOption("Castle Wars"); so you need to do dialogues.selectOption(2); so instead of trying to choose the option it should click with a string, select the option with its number.
  7. This is beast, surely going to try this out once it's released! (:
  8. Dad bought this a while back, thought I should try it that's why. Yeah, I tried streaming 1080p. maybe the newer chromecast supports better HD streaming.
  9. I have tried to stream a movie through kodi genesis from my desktop to the TV with chromecast. Didnt quite work out unfortunately, the sound disappeared every now and then. Not sure if it works more stable from a mobile phone though.
  10. Tell me your skype so I can see it for myself (: EDIT: tested myself, works fine for me. Whats your setup, how do you start the script?
  11. Little mirror client issue has been fixed indeed, youve been authed once more.
  12. I'm guessing they have to do that manually, that's why it sometimes doesn't update immidiately.
  13. It's working fine for me. Please PM me your skype so you can screenshare me.
  14. Trial of 6 hours has been granted. Have fun!
  15. Have you gotten stuck there today or before? since today the new update should've fixed that.
  16. Ofcourse I do, you've been granted 6 hours. Have fun!
  17. Awesome, i'll upload a quick fix to the SDN in about 1 hour. Should be fixed by the end of today (:
  18. Is your character the one thats wearing the purple robes on the right side of it?
  19. She found the ingredients for the "forever young" potion and hasn't even shared it with us, how selfish!
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