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  1. how can you even sell this script? can't select 'loot tokens & kill cyclopes" or whatever. was hoping to get 1k tokens, go fetch defenders, loot more tokens if necessary, etc. then once i have enough tokens, i leave the bot to pick the food from the bank. i start it with 2 super atk/str and tokens in inventory, it doesn't withdraw food, closes bank, clicks on stairs, before going up stairs - it clicks on bank again, closes bank, clicks on stairs, etc. having an empty inventory fixes that or manually setting up. also disappointed to see no divine potions support. also doesn't know how to bank when in dragon defender dungeon. just says walking to bank while standing afk. if you run out of tokens it'll spam click the door as if you can go in without sufficient tokens. script probably needs some updating. most essential functions work fine, however.
  2. Agility seems to be one of the hardest skills to bot without getting banned. What's your guys' experience with apas script?
  3. Lookin to get some base stats for stealth quester. Wondering if I should use this to get 20 mining I know how tough early mining phases can be for bans
  4. Hey brotha long time hope all is well. Just my 5th return to botting and I'm startin fresh with a mighty ranger south of falador @ cows. It appears that it'll loot my arrows everytime one shows up on the ground. So basically it shoots one arrow, loots it, shoots another, loots it. I think it was intended to shoot, kill, then loot. Theres the option to loot after NPC is dead; however, it's still picking up the arrow one shot at a time. Any suggestions?
  5. The monster selector isn't revealing "Giant" or "Wolf" or "Jogre". They're caged in the ardy zoo. Also, because I farm accounts using this script for my magic portion, I use the best spell my level allows. I have to manually change it. May I suggest implementing a progression for autocasting best spell or specific spells. Or have some sort of "use this spell until 1: out of runes or 2: reached certain level, then use this spell, etc." I doubt adding this feature would be worth your time in coding but I know I'd really you for it Thanks for hearing me out my fren
  6. No they wouldnt instantly ban upon logging in lol. They would ban as soon as you ran a script, how they would tell is besides the point BUSTER BROWN
  7. Ah, I worded it wrong. What I meant was that the mouse interacts with object after "X amount of time" after Animation = -1. That the "X amount of time" should be taken from an exponential decay array(which is a human-like delay) like the code I listed in the spoiler earlier. It sounds like you've seen no difference in bans between regarding delays using random(int, int) vs using a human-like delay. Am I understanding correctly?
  8. Yikes. I think a lot of the bans have to do with the mouse position remaining unchanged for x amount of time after character is done animating. I'm unsure how your delay is determined between your isAnimating/isMoving and interacting w/ next object. But you can tell that the time between finishing an obstacle/animating and clicking on the next is pretty identical in reaction over and over again. Here's an exponential decay arraylist that will pick a delay between 249ms and 1000ms favoring times near 249ms and dropping off exponentially. I've suicided bucket filling in f2p falador with only this used for delays. I've had tons of success with it.
  10. Curious to see if anyone has had any luck with barbarian fishing without bans?
  11. This better have a moveMoveVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryRandomly() or I'm not buying In all seriousness, do you think your antiban is superior and has bigger dick than the other fish scripts? Cuz I can't seem to do 3 hours of barb fishing without a ban with a few of the TIPPITY TOP scripts. Thoughts? If you could throw me a trial with all your confidence, I'd be truly obliged.
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