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Everything posted by Raflesia

  1. Raflesia


    and more spam...................... And now even more spam..........
  2. For me, inner matters, not the look. But if I would; Blondine Blue eyes, or something similair And the inner: Smart Sense of humor Kindly Educated Large list huh? :P
  3. I have to agree. It can be quite annoying if you are browsing the forums in a public place, and then come across images like that.
  4. Hi Helpmeples, First of all, our sincere apologies for letting you wait for so long. I've sended you a PM. I will reset your password when you've answered some of my questions correctly. Thread locked.
  5. I would give it back. Even if it's 100x my bank. Unless.. the person that died wasn't nice to me, then I will keep like 50% :P
  6. Raflesia


    #firstlike We'll help you buddy.
  7. The mail server of the forgot my password option isn't fully functional yet. Please send me a PM so I can help you out manually. Please provide me your IP address, registrered email, account name and login name.
  8. Like I just said, you don't have to download things to get hacked. There are many more ways for hackers to get your information.
  9. We don't steal stuff. Passwords are encrypted and inaccessible. You don't have to be ratted to get hacked, there are many other ways. Do you have your hackers IP address? If so, please send it to me through PM.
  10. I cannot repair this for you. I can't touch the sponsor usergroup. The admins are working hard currently, developing great updates for OSBot, Kati is part of this development to. If anyone is in the need of an admin, don't hesitate, PM me too. I can might help you out also.
  11. This issue is under investigation.
  12. Raflesia

    API Link

    Some pages, like 'API' and 'home', are temporary removed. They will be re-added soon.
  13. It's not deleted. It's moved to the spam section, which I am going to do with this thread also.
  14. That IP address matches with 0 OSBot members. Or the hacker used a VPN, or it's just not from here. Also, Iwannabot, if you can't behave yourself again, I have to close your thread, again.
  15. It will be better if you guys talk this out on skype, through PM or through a private chat. This thread will only grow to a big flame war, accusing each other of hacking or scamming. And like I said before in the other thread, if you got any evidence about someone hacking, please send the evidence to me or , or make a thread in the dispute section. Thread locked.
  16. Don't make this kind of threads, it's targeting another user, which is against the rules.
  17. I don't really know why it shows up for me, and not for the others. I support.
  18. Well.. cory told me on skype that I had to put the avatar, which I got now, on my OSBot profile because it is an awesome one. I agreed on that, but I did not want the lose my other one, the blue monster. So then he came up with these 2 mixed avatars and they are just awesome!
  19. Writing a tag instead of using the editor is already supported. If you prefer to use the tag instead of the editor, you can.
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