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Raflesia last won the day on May 16 2014

Raflesia had the most liked content!

About Raflesia

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Adamantite Poster

Adamantite Poster (7/10)



  1. Too bad RS3 sucks though Gratz for being unbanned!
  2. What is your bank like, item wise? Full or plenty of space?
  3. Dunno why this is relevant to this post but sure; being online for barely 2 weeks doesn't really compare to other bots that were online for a full year.
  4. Damm still that pic dude I love it!

  5. I can give it a try too if you want bb
  6. I think this was reset someday, because I remember 2500-3000 people being online back in 2013-2014. It's nice to see the stats going back up, though.
  7. Hello lovely people, My brother-in-law has joined a competition for a game called "Awesomenauts", on which he has to write a guide for the game. But that's not all, he also needs likes and people to favorite his guide. So if you're willing to help, it's much appreciated! This is the URL to his guide : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=918790091 Please give it a like and also favorite it. In return, you will get his and mine eternal love.
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