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Everything posted by Deceiver

  1. I believe the Devs + Eric (SDN Manager) check through the scripts to check for malicious code. As well, scripts aren't instantly uploaded to the SDN, they need to be approved, which is why there is a wait like ~12 hours before the updates are 'pushed'.
  2. Thanks, Bob! Yes. Donate me funds. Thanks bud! Thanks! Max + other goals, which will hopefully be posted later!
  3. Welcome to my cool thread for my RS3 & OSRS Progression logs. I'll maybe try to make this thread a bit more interesting later, just wanted the images. I'll add quests and other stuff later too. RuneScape 3 (Started last night): none yet OSRS: All thats left are; Black Knight's, Dragon Slayer, Prince Ali Resque, and Shield of Arrav
  4. Did you put the Mirror Client in your OSBot Data folder? -C\Users\Name\OSBot\Data Are you running another OSRS client with the OSBot client? Or a browser?
  5. Deceiver

    mod weath

    There's been like 5 threads about this and it was stated on a stream from RS.
  6. User has been banned. But please use the proper template when making a dispute next time, thanks.
  7. Is looting broKEN? I'm sure it's missed some rare loots from going 40-60 in two stats. ;-;
  8. Deceiver

    mod weath

  9. Deceiver

    SOTM #1

    Definitely the duration for me, sure the reward(s) are nice but like a month? Maybe if we had more members in the Graphics section then maybe. But I feel like two weeks would be enough time for people to enter this.
  10. As above, no topic, no trade, no reason for the feedback besides attention getting. Feedback removed.
  11. Removed offsite images/text, as you stated before it was edited, offsite feedback does not count, but goodluck with your sales, chuckle!
  12. I'm really not sure which proxies work with OSBot, as I don't use them, but hopefully another member can help you with them. Yes, you can use the script on multiple accounts. VIP+ for more accounts/bots. Client has built-in antiban, as well most premium scripts have their own anti-ban. Script Delivery Network
  13. Deceiver

    SOTM #1

    Can we change this Sig of the Fortnight (2 weeks) (SOTF) instead of month?
  14. Rest in peace, dear feedback.
  15. Still no form of contact from Captain America.
  16. I have warned @AOAAGoldShop and put him in the TWC usergroup, he has 24 hours to reply or his account will be suspended.
  17. Edited the evidence a bit (removed offsite link photos), and removing feedback as there was no trade.
  18. I ALReaDY AM alrIGHt JeeZ sorry i suck
  19. Sorry about the harrassment, I as well, don't see why the gender of someone who plays RuneScape, or even on a forum should matter? But for future cases, feel free report to posts, which I don't know why you haven't yet.
  20. No idea, not 2 mi knowledge.
  21. Removed the false feedback. Dispute closed.
  22. I have warned @darvinb98 and put him in the TWC usergroup, he has 24 hours to reply or his account will be suspended.
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