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Led Zeppelin

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Led Zeppelin

  1. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─██████─────────██████████████─████████████───██████████████████─██████████████─██████████████─██████████████─ ─██░░██─────────██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░████─██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─ ─██░░██─────────██░░██████████─██░░████░░░░██─████████████░░░░██─██░░██████████─██░░██████░░██─██░░██████░░██─ ─██░░██─────────██░░██─────────██░░██──██░░██─────────████░░████─██░░██─────────██░░██──██░░██─██░░██──██░░██─ ─██░░██─────────██░░██████████─██░░██──██░░██───────████░░████───██░░██████████─██░░██████░░██─██░░██████░░██─ ─██░░██─────────██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░██──██░░██─────████░░████─────██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─ ─██░░██─────────██░░██████████─██░░██──██░░██───████░░████───────██░░██████████─██░░██████████─██░░██████████─ ─██░░██─────────██░░██─────────██░░██──██░░██─████░░████─────────██░░██─────────██░░██─────────██░░██───────── ─██░░██████████─██░░██████████─██░░████░░░░██─██░░░░████████████─██░░██████████─██░░██─────────██░░██───────── ─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░████─██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░██─────────██░░██───────── ─██████████████─██████████████─████████████───██████████████████─██████████████─██████─────────██████───────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  2. these links may help some: A simple guide to the SDN for developers EDU - YouTube
  3. ketamine and mxe cause heart failure btw,.... DXM causes liver failure btw...... if used daily, not if used only rarely And the same thing goes for K. Everything is fine in moderation. MXE is a sketchy subject because it's still a research chemical. There hasn't been enough studies on the adverse side effects of it. But the only person I've ever known to over dose or have a bad side effect on MXE was a local DJ who didn't weigh out his dose and then got shit faced drunk after taking way too much mxe. He died. Oh my.... yeah i know K is ok but rather than causing liver failure in frequent use it causes heart failure. the point is do drugs responsibly and you will be fine.
  4. ketamine and mxe cause heart failure btw,.... DXM causes liver failure btw...... if used daily, not if used only rarely
  5. Led Zeppelin

    BETA v1.7.21

    removed only problem with that is: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/2777-rules/
  6. mhm I have been an extreme drug user since the age of 14, very young. They ruined my life as i battled heroin addiction for 4 years(Clean now). I was always the guy standing up for weed and hash, "it's harmless, legalise it!". The fact of the matter is this, THC works totally fine with some people and totally horrific for others. When i say paranoid, i don't mean your average paranoia from dope. I'm talking about intense, borderline schizophrenic episodes. 1 in 25 people can have this reaction to average THC and it is UNREPAIRABLE. They will become schizophrenic indefinitely. The weed these days has been report at 42x the average THC contents. Can you imagine what would happen if a new users who are in the 1 in 25 group smoked this shit? it would ruin there life for ever. Please reasearch this there has been countless murders, suicides, attacks and stuff and people need to be more aware. It's not a case of "they shouldn't smoke it then" because it's too late the damage would already be done. There is no way to tell who has this gene. So coming from someone who has likely had more drug experiences than anyone on this forum, that is a terrible thing by the way, i tell you this. Weed should never be legalized for that reason alone and that is exactly why it isn't legal in the UK, the US is slightly different. Yes it is totally harmless for 80% of people but the other 20% can be damaged for a life time. So is it really okay to say "smoke bud not drugs?" I don't think so. Either be responsible with drugs or don't do them at all because IMO the first guy in this quote is the worst weed smoker, a NED-Non Educational Delinquent. If you have psychological issues you should NEVER use any mind altering chemicals ever, doesn't mean weed should be demonized.... And like you said, do it responsibly and it wont lead to heroin.... Also i would not advise using any mind altering chemicals that young.
  7. you have to pay for the game but not a monthly fee
  8. Guildwars ftw. http://www.arena.net/ http://www.guildwars.com/ http://www.guildwars2.com/
  9. Led Zeppelin

    BETA v1.7.21

    Will do, that was some one elses client, they put that link in the chat this morning and i forwarded it. will log out next time i get that random and let you use the account. Either way Psyched about these updates! thanks
  10. Led Zeppelin

    BETA v1.7.21

    Sweet thanks for the update? any randoms confirmed working yet? did you add gravedigger? Oh lol just read :p I told @ about gravedigger :D good that she saw it ... [5:16:41 AM] Led Zeppelin: Grave digger is reimplemented in 07scape [5:16:43 AM] Led Zeppelin: [5:16:45 AM] Led Zeppelin: http://gyazo.com/6aecff57c88b3ec24b9ee7f4aaa43789.png
  11. Hi @@nosaj i would like to vote for the last two questions but don't want to be bias on the first. could you put a "no opinion" choice on the questions? No Well than i'll just have to post my thoughts. Next Super Mod: @SmartNext Admin: @RaflesiaEdit: sorry for unliking peoples posts. Just don't want to be bias.
  12. Hi @@nosaj i would like to vote for the last two questions but don't want to be bias on the first. could you put a "no opinion" choice on the questions?
  13. Hey i've seen you around the forums and you seem nice :). just wanted to say hi :p

  14. Dat prof pic. making me trippy....

  15. Thanks but i already have a much much more in depth guide here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/6894-bot-smart-what-it-is-how-to-do-it/ post on that thread and i'll add them in :p
  16. could you put a "neither" option in the poll?
  17. if you want to embed images that you paste you need to paste it as plain text or click somewhere in it and unlink it. But the easiest way is to just hit this button and add a link: And your image:
  18. I saw the comments and why not just go by Nick??
  19. As for starting a mini web series do whatever you want, don't ask the community... If you like doing it than just do it :p also you can embed your image and youtube video like so: [youtube] and the image: and in action: and the image:
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