you can embed youtube like so:
The fastest way to 99 wc no matter what your level is Willows, it doesn't matter the tree or the axe it matters the XP per hour and willows give the most at a max of about 50k xp an hour.
and yes a d axe does speed it up some (aka give you more xp per hour)
Hey fagex if you don't give me my account back I will come to your house and drag my dick over your face and then cut you so bad.
^^^^ that's the winner right there
Hey Led I respect your opinion but why would it be a bad idea?
Because the 20/40 post counts in the market are put in place because they don't want people without those post limit's using the market at all. This is so someone doesn't make an account, post, scam and do it again. This can happen for VIP too because people think VIP is more trusted.
Just because someone is vip doesn't mean you should trust them. It's only $10...
Yes thats what i meant :p
Hey Led I respect your opinion but why would it be a bad idea?
Because the 20/40 post counts in the market are put in place because they don't want people without those post limit's using the market at all. This is so someone doesn't make an account, post, scam and do it again. This can happen for VIP too because people think VIP is more trusted.