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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. if he can't seem to find any issues with it you should just record your screen when leaving the bot on and see later that day if it ran into any issues. best of luck to you
  2. are you the sure the script is not messing up at all? maybe could be why
  3. I would buy this if i had till friday
  4. its cool doge first time I've ever heard someone say this though rofl
  5. it will make a lot more cooler
  6. if you are talking about the send class check packet this packet is mainly only an issue with injection bots which mgi125 explains here https://www.rune-server.ee/runescape-development/rs-503-client-server/informative-threads/285537-bomb-jagex-preparing-full-classcheck-packet.html
  7. if you are talking about getting the mouse path the bot generates then no but can jagex track your mouse path from what I said above, yes & if you can't see this you really don't deserve that rank you have? you should also see the person I quoted and what he said instead of trying to act like the smart guy and having to bold dumb stuff like movement.
  8. chain bans are definitely nothing new but yea thanks for letting us know
  9. if (MovedToSort.buttonId != 0) { long l = ((Class89.lastClickTime - MovedToSort.lastlastClickTime) / 50L); int i_31_ = Class33.lastClickX; int i_32_ = Class37_Sub13.lastClickY; if (i_31_ < 0) { i_31_ = 0; } else if (i_31_ > 764) { i_31_ = 764; } if (i_32_ < 0) { i_32_ = 0; } else if (i_32_ > 502) { i_32_ = 502; } if (l > 4095L) { l = 4095L; } MovedToSort.lastlastClickTime = Class89.lastClickTime; final int i_33_ = i_31_ + (i_32_ * 765); int i_34_ = 0; final int i_35_ = (int) l; if (MovedToSort.buttonId == 2) { i_34_ = 1; } outputBuffer.writeOpcode(167); outputBuffer.putLEInt((i_35_ << 20) + (i_34_ << 19) + i_33_); } ^ this is the packet in the deob They do have a packet for mouse clicking which is x,y, right click & delay so i'm pretty sure they don't just use this for nothing int value = buffer.getInt(); long delay = (value >> 20) * 50; boolean rightMouseButton = ((value >> 19) & 0x1) == 1; int cords = (value & 0x3FFFF); int x = cords % 765; int y = cords / 765; if you could probably use a heat map on osbot for mouse clicking on the game client you would probably sooner or later notice that there will be a pattern repeating probably which could be the reason why people get banned but this is just my opinion on this part. in the end there is a packet that they can use for clicking.
  10. Selling for .92, only selling to members with a good amount of feedback.
  11. works for me thats around what I was asking not sure if you want to pm me ur skype or write it in here.
  12. I usually have some sort of gp yes atm I have like 30m if ur interested
  13. Selling 60m only selling to people with a good amount of feedback.
  14. Out of all my time I've been here you were definitely the best mod I've seen hopefully everything works out for you!
  15. I don't even use this bot I use it for the community
  16. at least there more trusted then someone with 12 feedback
  17. I can sell if u need still
  18. I believe people make like 500k an hr off of it you would need to look into it and see
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