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Everything posted by quaysie

  1. May I have a trial please?
  2. I second this. Absolutely Flawless. Great work Khal.. Purchasing in 3...2....
  3. May I have a trial for this script?
  4. Could I get a free trial please?
  5. quaysie

    Molly's Thiever

    Could I have the trial for this script please? Thanks
  6. Post your GT: Vz Kush What game(s) you play: Forza 4, Forza Horizon, GTA V What type of mode do you play: All
  7. whats with the hype over this game. Some of my friends play that religiously
  8. Not worth it. Still have pending appeals from months ago
  9. maybe around 30-35m at the most between 3 accounts
  10. I was suiciding on a vet account for a few months & got a 2 day ban training range. I believe this works cause during those few months I was questing whenever I wasn't botting. Haven't tried using a proxy though
  11. I remember when I fell for that when I was like 13 lol. Be more careful next time
  12. looking into this right now just to be safe. thanks
  13. So a month and a half ago around I was botting one of my accounts and pretty much got the coldest ban (Account deleted from database) wcing mages which was around the time of the last major bot bust i'm guessing. Since then, I've received 3 bans. 1 perm on a rebuild of the wcer, 1 temp on another pure, & another temp on one of my main pures that I've botted some decent 99's on. I've been imp hunting off and on, some overnights, other times during the afternoon and haven't had any bad luck so far.. So was my IP flagged or was I just getting some bad luck?
  14. I went around that world to pk bots. I've seen some that respond to near by chat messages lol
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