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Everything posted by LeBron

  1. Lmao, you little troll. That's like asking your drug dealer for a refund for getting busted with drugs by the cops. Let me remind you, YOU ARE BREAKING THE RULES. Botting is NOT allowed. If and WHEN you get caught - YOU WILL BE BANNED. Normal client is easily detectable so upgrade to mirror. You will not be refunded.
  2. Tyvm for lending him an account so we can all benefit from rune bars (if I ever get there )!
  3. Who saw Game 3 between GSW @ Pels?! CRAZY! Pels up 20 after the 3rd. GSW down 5 with <20s left. Curry hits 3, down to 2. Davis bricks 1 FT. Pels up 3. Curry misses 3. Speights gets offensive rebound. Curry hits 3 - OT and GSW won in OT! Gives me flashbacks to game 6 between Spurs & Heat, same exact shit happened except it was Leonard who bricked a ft and made it a 3pt game instead of 4 and Allen hit the 3 off the offensive rebound.
  4. Just ran mine for 14h straight. Khal AIO Agility.
  5. Here's a 14h mirror proggy
  6. Please solve your dispute, I'd love to buy a VPS but I cannot do that as long as that dispute is open since a lot of people usually just say "fuck y'all I aint paying shit" and just run away with whatever they got. >.< PS. Whats the difference between dedicated server (with windows OS) and VPS server with linux? Other than the OS.
  7. Used to happen to me as well, not anymore though. Idk why. Try x'ing the osrs client then osbot? :P
  8. ~ the same as two normal clients would. So if you can multilog on RuneScape smoothly, you can also run mirror client.
  9. All of Khal's scripts are working flawlessly for me on the mirror mode. A bit slower (every script is a bit slower) but it gets the job done. Also Novak's fletcher and Czar range guild.
  10. LeBron

    Gg Mod Reach

    Hi, my name is Kyle.
  11. Still don't have "IT". 22p lead going into the 4th. Get ready to be BUT I SAID WARRIORS FIRST WHY I NO GET $50, THIS IS SO UNFAIR! *RUNS TO TEACHER*
  12. Thanks for the script, even though I don't see myself using it, it's always nice with a lot of scripts on OSBot. Makes us grow! Why not? It's not a goldfarming script or anything. +1 You don't. Keys are 24k, d-stones are 17k. Maybe if you get really lucky with the drops from chest you could possibly break even. But it's a gamble.
  13. Because, in order to turn it into real life money he still has to sell it for PAYPAL and PAYPAL can be chargebacked. The reason people don't pay 100% is because you're trading it for REAL LIFE MONEY, newsflash, runescape gold is not real life money. Either way, you still need to take that into consideration, or you'd be better off selling your skins for dollars and then buying gold with the dollars since you'd end up with more OSRS that way.
  14. Don't accept anything below 80% in gold. 1) You still have to sell the gold 2) There will be paypal fees 3) You will have to sell for a lot lower than the street price if you want to sell it safely to someone like Divica who for sure won't chargeack 4) If you sell it for street-price you risk paypal chargebacks. Lol @ the kids thinking rsgold is worth more than real-life money and offering less % than ppl do when they sell for dollars, which is usually 70-75%.
  15. May I ask which plan you are using and how many mirror clients it can handle?
  16. The legend says they're still looking for "IT".
  17. Warriors. I'm a LeBron/Cavs fan but our defence is pretty s**t and if we make it to finals GSW would make us look like potatoes. Who ya rooting for ?
  18. Ok it just happened again. I tried to train up 2 new goldfarmers and a void PKer. Using mirror on the voider and non-mirror on the others. Went to MLM on goldfarmers and ranging guild on voider. This was during the weekend when jmods arent even on, so no live bans occured. I log on now to find 2/3 accounts banned, I'll let you guess which. Regarding my main, I botted 16h/day for over two weeks straight, people walked by me when I wasnt paying attention and talked to me and then called me a bot "reported", no bans. Careful enough to use mirror but that's the only difference. IT IS safer. Don't know why you're against it, your scripts don't work properly on it?
  19. So recently I got all of my accounts except one banned. Bot 1: Mirror only, main Bot 2: No mirror, back-up main (lol) Bot 3: No mirror, goldfarmer Bot 4: No mirror, goldfarmer Bot 5: No mirror, soon-to-be goldfarmer So, I had botted the shit out of accounts 1-4, using mirror on only the #1. All botted recently. Was going to train up a 3rd goldfarming account and went to Gnome Agility Course, being the fuck-up that I am, I fell asleep and it ran for 6h and obviously a J-Mod came by. No other accounts were logged in and I always delete random.dat. Needless to say, bot 2-5, all using the normal client got hammered with a permanent ban but #1 was completely untouched. Conclusion: Mirror client is undetectable (just as promised), the only bans happening on this is if you get caught LIVE by a j-mod and he monitors you and sees bot-like behavior. Even though every script writer strives to make their scripts as human-like as possible, it's still not hard to tell when someone is botting based on their stats, banks and behavior (if you monitor). However, once you're done botting and haven't been caught - you're 100% safe (never recieved a delayed ban once I'm done botting and I've gotten several 99s, been reported and also botted A LOT (15h a day). Normal client can however be easily detected and you will even recieve delayed bans because of this. But still not automatically, meaning jagex cant just press a button to see everyone whos ever used a botting client, they'll have to manually check you or bump into you in-game. The bump into you in-game thing is based on something that happened over a year ago. During bot busting event jmods went to green dragons (streaming) and killed bots (loots for everyone) and then banned them, however during this event they kept warning people who have ever botted their accounts to not come near the j-mods, however some people still did and they got banned instantly, as if they had some kind of tool that automatically looked up people standing close to the jmods. Keep in mind that these things are based on MY EXPERIENCE and are not set in stone, I've botted for a very long time and that's what I've come up with.
  20. Add my skype, it's on the first post Thanks, won't be needed, but thanks anyway! ;)
  21. Pretty sure I'm not the only one whos been wanting to ask it, answer all questions or the ones you're comfortable with! It might also help some of us understand how much work you actually put in etc etc. Win-win. Devs 1) Is this your only job or do you have another job on the side? 2) How many hours (average) do you put in on the client daily? Devs+Mald 3) How much do you make from being an OSBot developer/community admin? #FreeKhaleesi #GiveBackHerVeteran
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