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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Dark_Mist

  1. Prices & Skype, Feel free to PM the price if you don't want to post it.
  2. Hey Bois, I need an Account hand trained from it's current levels 42/1/1 (Attack/Strength/Defence) need it to be 70/70/70. *Must be able to Provide Osbuddy Screenshots of every level.* You Will have 1 Week to Complete the Service from Start, Failure to do so will result in Reduced Payment -10% a day. Post here with Prices, and Skype. or Just shoot me a PM if you like and I will add ya if the Price is Right. Payment will be given upon Completion, more than happy to use an MM at your cost or a free one we both can Agree upon. Payment Will Be Made in 07 Gold or BTC
  3. lmfao those Rings though
  4. I got bored of the usual 60 attk so right now i'm enjoying 1 attk 99 str mauler very fun!
  5. Depends on what you were botting and account creation time I believe, some are more serious like Gold farming (such as woodcutting/Collecting ect) is perm I believe but i've gotten 2 day's for Training NMZ/PC Botting.
  6. it's happened to everyone at least once at some point. You learn from your mistakes man
  7. You will go First unless you're extremely trusted in my eyes , or we can get a MM 50m+ .97/M Under 50m .98/M Any Increment is okay BTC ONLY I will WAIT for 1 Confirmation before Delivering Gold, Same thing goes for MM they will not Deliver You Gold until I have 1 confirmation. skype: Live:RangePker93
  8. I never have the bot login for me because of that exact reason, more of a superstition but yeh
  9. lmao how so many quashed tho
  10. I feel that it's a bit exaggerated
  11. supplies no, bond yes you were the one who quoted it 3m lol :P
  12. tryna make me 1 for 5m?
  13. Damn lmao. I never imaged a farm that size.
  14. Dark_Mist


    Closed, account is No Longer For Sale.
  15. 10-15m? are you selling one?
  16. I also have this problem, pretty sure it's not a red flag as you can loggin as many as you want with OsBuddy but its weird..
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