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  1. Slade

    Czar Kudo Solver

    Yo can you add queue comp to this
  2. Does this still work for anyone. Asking since I lack all knowlage of scripting and I can't get it to work. Seems like such a good manager
  3. Slade

    Stealth Quester

    Can you make the script queue cli compatible?
  4. I don't know if it's possible but could you acc so that you could run other scripts in between brakes?
  5. Slade

    Czar Kudo Solver

    Could you add queue support
  6. Sweet It's all queue for me. It only does the first then exits no matter what I've queued
  7. Any progress on the queue problem?
  8. Thanks for all help. But how do I solve the auto mule process? And maybe account creation/unlocker?
  9. Hello. Soooo, I'm new to botting and are currently setting up a farm. But I'm having problem keeping track of all bots and finding it hard to find a auto muling solution. I've looked into explvs bot manager but I can't get it to work and I lack the knowlage to edit the code myself. I've also looked into bootinghub but I've read both good things and rly bad things about them. I do like the features I'm reading about though, but I don't know if the price is justified. So my question is, do anyone have any tip on what I should use? Is there other managers out there or am I just doing it all wrong? Now I have every bot on a separate window cuz I read that somewhere but I don't know if that's the way to go. Any help is much appriciated
  10. Slade

    Ultimate Muler

    Does the script have an ID or is it CLI compatible so I can add it on startup on my mules?
  11. Slade

    Heiz Shopper

    I would like this script but can't find the but button. Am I blind?
  12. Okay I see. Should I make accounts on my own or should I buy bulk? And if I understand it right, webshare is offering 10 free proxies befor I need to upgrade. Isn't it better to use those anyways? To prevent chain ban?
  13. Hello community. So I'm new to botting and working torwards setting up a small botfarm to later grow it bigger. But I'm stuck on proxies. From what I udnertand I need socks5 proxies, but should I get residential proxies or not? And should I have one proxy for every bot? What are the pros and cons? Thanks alot for help
  14. Should I play on SI instead then? Is that as "safe" as mirror regarding bans?
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