My first week into botting has been rough.
I have purchased a premium Script Factory script.
I am using static residential proxies, some accounts on their own proxy, some accounts sharing a proxy (no more then 2 accounts per proxy).
I am using OSbot mirror mode, proxifier and sandboxie. All accounts are in their own isolated environment.
I am manually creating the accounts and hand doing tut island. I then transfer the starting GP to the accounts after tut island. Accounts are manually walked to GE, and I buy their bonds and member them up. (Maybe I should be resting the accounts after tut island??)
Over 10 accounts (which is all of them) have been banned within 48 hours of being created. Some perm banned, some 2 day bans. Lots of wasted GP and time.
The accounts haven't botted for more then 8 hours in their short 48 hour lives. Longest stretch of botting is around 3 hours and the script has built in breaks.
Where am I going wrong?
Bonds and botting too soon after coming from tut island?
Poor proxies?
Poor script?
Let me know your thoughts and suggestions please.