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Everything posted by lukazas

  1. Food support avalaible? Would like for it to not only pick the food from bank but also use it
  2. So as some of us mightve noticed the server we all loved has gone somewhere. After contacting few buddies and czar (did not reply was offline) I have gathered the server was removed/banned from discord! so I wonder whats next and how did that happened. @Czar
  3. Too many people getting chain banned nowadays. Its probably not upon you to decide
  4. >its only prime bans >gets banwaved every 2 days Doesnt matter if I use Khals or Czar or someone else account builder.
  5. Le wave cleanup 4 dayz in a row
  6. Fishy stuff. Well I will wait for official answer until using this again.
  7. Gained 1-40 agility in 30hrs with masive break-play ratio. In past I could run less break times and easy get no bans. There is something wrong going on. Jagex is bullying us at this point
  8. Tell your story


  9. Got chain banned 3rd time in this week Seems like many people got touched and not much talk going on? Any protection implement coming? Need answers
  10. dont think this should be sold?? cant run without supervision at all
  11. ran this one on califfs for 3 hrs and got banned before that run thieving up until 80 without proper breaks and was okay
  12. whatsup , why doesnt he take dodgy necklaces even if selected? also banks rogue equip.
  13. does it do bossing on slayer tasks
  14. for some reason never uses prayer, never tops it up either if i do it manualy is it my settings? also no cannon avalaible?
  15. lukazas

    Stealth Quester

    bought did some quests most of it runs smoothly but some gets busted on doors and stuck until I've press something. wish there was elves quests or anything like that so I could make some money
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