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About xFoxsta

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  1. I believe I read where Jagex will not be forcing Runelite to shutdown or switch to C++, if that's the case, why is OSBOT switching to C++ when they could just mirror off of Runelite and stick with Java? Just curious, not really knowledgeable.
  2. gets stuck for some time at the last interaction of advanced varlmore agility course, eventually continues, but it gets stuck on the same spot.
  3. xFoxsta

    Perfect Hunter AIO

    Thank you so much! I haven't tried it yet, but does it make the Antlers into bolts?
  4. xFoxsta

    Perfect Hunter AIO

    Could I please get a trial of this? How well does it catch Antelopes?
  5. Script works pretty well, just wish it did Sunlight and Moonlight Antelopes.
  6. Could I get a trial of this? please and thank you:)
  7. In the telekinetic room, the bot will keep clicking a tile to walk to but clicks inside the maze and gets stuck and spams click the tile, I have to keep zooming in to fix it, please help with this issue.
  8. Will we be refunded days for purchasing VIP?
  9. I keep getting Bot Initializion Error. https://prnt.sc/pp9V-S2Ho3Zr
  10. Mouse recorders aren't reliable, any sort of lag will put their time off, If for some reason you refuse to use a script here, I would recommend AHK using pixel(color) or image search to verify location.
  11. Ask Khal for trials for Tithe farm for farming, he has Guardians of the rift and a Runecrafting script, Blast Furnace and Wintertodt, I own all of those and they all work the best. For nightmare zone I use Token's and it works very well. All of these scripts i've never received a ban with mirror mode. I believe Khal even has a script for Fishing Trawler but I just made an ahk for it.
  12. I didn't notice haha, my bad.
  13. I tried starting in 307, and it autohopped to 309.
  14. Script runs pretty well, like all your scripts. I will be adding this script to my collection. Is there any chance you could possible make it so I can choose W307 or W309? W309 has very high ping for me and it misses lighting the fire quiet often.
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