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  1. cowcow98

    Fruity NMZ

    Can you fix this ? Sometime the bot get stock when he try to change world because it's a PVP world.
  2. Don't bot h24 like I'm doing XDDDD
  3. How much cost 60-99 ranged at nmz ? With a blowpipe.
  4. Read title, paying via btc, add me discord cowcow98#8476
  5. Thanks you for this @FurySharkmuch loves
  6. What is the must cheapeast way to train at nmz as a pure ? Absorption+cake or using prayer pot ?
  7. cowcow98

    Botting to Max

    Good luck man This will be the first maxed account 100% botted in the history right ?
  8. Also, something that I don't understand is when my main got 2 days ban, I was botting on my pure too, same place, NMZ. Thanks god my pure did not get ban.
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