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  1. BobbyZ

    Fruity NMZ

    My bot sat at the bank for about 5 minutes just at the "waiting to withdraw prayer potions screen". Had to stop the script and restart, still isn't taking them out.
  2. 100% my man I agree, I was just wondering if there was a way to add like the bot hasn't gained xp in 10 minutes to force a logout or something like that, but I guess i can see how that would interfere with breaks etc. It has only happened once for me and so far ive gained about 45ish levels.
  3. It clicked the ladder in Seers Bank, and got stuck upstairs. So when it went to start the course it somehow clicked the ladder instead and registered the click.
  4. Used this bot for the past 2 or so days. Everything was going smooth.. Woke up this morning stuck above the camelot bank, not sure how long it was there but it was just sitting there.. If possible if the bot gets stuck can you make it force end the script if it can't find it's way back 2 the course.
  5. BobbyZ

    Fruity NMZ

    Bot banked my Blowpipe and then logged in and out for about 2 hours.. Had it set to relog with info, had scales in the bank, and in the pipe. When I logged back in the blowpipe was in the bank charged. Not sure if there is anything to do for this but just posting just because.
  6. BobbyZ

    Fruity NMZ

    I don't see the recharge option, is it built in?
  7. Bot doesn't go back to the same spot as to where it started.. 4/4 times after the afk check it went and started hitting one random crab when there was a 4 crab spot open. Used like 40k going back and fourth to crab claw island. Dont know what im doing wrong but yea.
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