INFO][Bot #1][06/13 09:43:30 PM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 09:43:30 PM]: items to buy: , Clay, Pot of flour, Egg, White bead, Copper ore, Falador teleport, Iron ore, Lumbridge teleport, Black bead, Yellow bead, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Red bead, Stamina potion(4)
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 09:43:30 PM]: estimated required money: 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 09:43:30 PM]: identifying price for: Clay
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 09:43:30 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
at api.coM9.m(sd:593)
at c.nUl.L(uc:633)
at c.nUl.D(uc:650)
at c.nUl.F(uc:488)
at a.NUL.onLoop(vc:358)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$
at Source)
and it is just repeating