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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Mysteryy

  1. Ok pm real skype for legit verification
  2. Inb4 someone actually has that skype name and just got tit pics.
  3. Leak anyway pls.You can skype me them BigDickMysteryy L0l
  4. If only he called me the day after
  5. There is no task anywhere doing anything which would make it impossible to get banned if your botting it
  6. Just start by looking at some snippets. Use a script skeleton and try to get some basic tasks accomplished. If you post specific questions here we will help you out.
  7. Does it matter? Just take a win when you get one.
  8. Anne trying to beat smarts modlogs. huehue
  9. Antiban = more client related actions e.g. mouse movement, screen movement etc. More client actions = more actions to be tracked = more accuracy in pattern prediction, since there are more samples to be used. I never use antiban when I am using a private script, but for some reason people are under the false impression that it helps. It doesn't matter how often you make the script misclick intentionally, or make it move the mouse, or anything related to that. There are specific algorithms on the client to determine the way that the mouse moves and the way that the methods will behave. These are used across any script using any client, making it predictable and deterministic. If there are 10k players playing who move and behave in the same fashion, eg. Move the mouse the same way, it is obvious they are using a script. Tldr: antiban is pointless, if jagex wants to ban you they will. Kbye
  10. Mysteryy


    I'm gonna assume that's a good thing
  11. Mysteryy


    Woo Members Online Today: 1006
  12. Lmao just saw this. Pls post pic when 1k so I can feel satisfied by even numbers.
  13. Mysteryy


    But I don't wanna have to change my password again
  14. Mysteryy


    Pics or it didn't happen
  15. Mysteryy


    Members Online Today: 996 I blame Obama What about u?
  16. The ArrayList of * GarbageCollectors are like an army which get sent back in time to * destroy the garbage before it's able to harm.
  17. The branch that grabs you when you walk to draynor maynor
  18. I get a new variation of hiv every time I read one of your post. ♡
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