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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Mysteryy

  1. Members Online Today: 1980 [Collapse] 4k or demote pls
  2. to post Members Online Today: 1911 Hue
  3. Dump in ur mouth then tape is shut :x
  4. If you guys remember, the client was having an issue recently where it would get stuck spam clicking on a tile/location when trying to interact with entities. I was wondering if anyone was still having this issue. Maxi was trying to recreate the issue using Dreamfighter, which people stated was experiencing the issue, and the problem never happened to him. So is this still happening to anyone using the current client?
  5. Mysteryy

    Oliver v2

    Oliver u narcissistic bastard. l0l
  6. You talkin shit bout my boy?
  7. Mysteryy


    Grazt nub Serve us well. Or we will decapitate you.
  8. Fk kanye kanye gay kanye a lil raging fgt kanye sucks kanye thinks hes the best but really he is gey kthx bye
  9. Where u at doe. The spam section misses its father. Hue hue
  10. ur welcome My high quality post are bringing everyone back.
  11. Members Online Today: 1737 I feel like The Hero of Time
  12. What you are asking goes far beyond a simple explanation. I would suggest doing what apaec said, you should start with defining some paths and pick between them. On a side note, if you have a while loop generating the random position until it gets one that is walkable, you may get stuck in an infinite loop where there is never a walkable tile. Generally speaking while loops arent a great thing to use in scripts. I try to avoid them most of the time, and when I do use them I always add a watchdog timer.
  13. 1) you are not generating a path, you are generating a position, a single position. 2) you are making the x and y positions have a variance, if you happen to generate a random position that is not walkable, then the if statement will not execute. 3) if the position is too far to walk to then it will do nothing. LocalWalker will not take you cross regions without a path unless the region is cached, then it might (depends on client implementation). If you are trying to walk a path, you need to give it a path. This will walk from one single point (the player) to the sudo random position that you are generating within the same region. If that is what you want to do then this will kind of work maybe sometimes.
  14. Members Online Today: 1666 [Collapse]
  15. Do I look like a damn lit major to you. I say your, aint, ur, and whatever else sounds right to me. xD
  16. SmalldickMysterry@Smalldick123.edu pls i keep it high class
  17. Im gonna go ahead and take credit and say that its because I keep making these high quality post with pictures of online member count. Your welcome mald. You can send my commission to my paypal, you know the email.
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