Just got the commendation points for full void In regard to the bot standing by the ladder every time, perhaps the "bot detection" system might not pick it up until after a while, I agree with you on that point However, I'd be more concerned about the legit players on the boat next to your bot. After a while, people will notice that you stand by the ladder after every single game (risk of getting reported). This is not an issue when you get onboard and the game starts after 3 seconds, but, there are many times when I'm skipped and have to wait for next boat to fill up. Perhaps you can make the bot click 1 random tile within the boat after entering?
This is not a deal-breaker as the bot functions flawlessly, however, when I'm babysitting the bot and I see the same people walk next to the ladder each time, I can kind of tell who else is running your script lol.