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Everything posted by STDz

  1. STDz

    Khal AIO Agility

    Disregard I found my answer combing thru previous post
  2. Bummer I must've have forgot to use it. Just did a trial on your smithing one think I could do Blast Furnace with it so now I've wasted 2 trials lol. Great job on all your scrips tho I already own many!
  3. Can i get a trial please
  4. Can I get a trial please
  5. STDz

    Czar Barrows

    So Ardy clock to fairy ring is on there but it thinks you need 10 gp for boat ride when its not needed Also more importantly I'm having major issues with gear preset saves they keep saving over one another and crashing the script
  6. STDz

    Czar Barrows

    it is on there you rock!!!
  7. STDz

    Czar Barrows

    Adry Cape to Fairy Ring for ironman route would be amazing pleasE!!!
  8. STDz

    Khal AIO Hunter

    Can I get a trial please?
  9. Amazing script now that I've got practice setting it up but it still gets stuck on edgeville dungeon trapdoor every 2 or 3 trips any suggestions?
  10. STDz

    Super Soul Wars

    Has the script been fixed yet my character is stuck as well
  11. Could you update zombie pirate loot table it wont let me add some off the items just says null. Also does this script recognize Blighted super restores as prayer potions?
  12. Does this support looting bag storage and depositing the bag contents into your bank? If so I can't figure out how to use that feature
  13. STDz


    Can i get a trail too pls
  14. STDz

    Khal Tempoross

    Can I get a trial please
  15. Loved all your scripts so far. Could i get a trail please?
  16. where would one find that version? never mind I believe I found it
  17. Have an account that is locked to jagex launcher. I open the account login on the official old school runescape client then osbot mirrior mode but osbot is unable to find the client am i doing something wrong??
  18. Where should I purchase Proxy from. Looking for most reliable not cheapest, had many accounts banned in past
  19. What the lowest level food this supports interested in using it on an iron man
  20. Love this script but could someone drop me optimal XP setting I'm new to this minigame
  21. Could I get a trail pls?
  22. STDz

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Could I get a trial please
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