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About RevokedHonor

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  1. Are you ever planning on adding fishing barrel support?
  2. Loving the script so far, but there is one feature I would love to request: - The ability to fish with bare hands (barb fishing) for a nice passive str xp while doing this minigame. The speed should be the same as when using a normal harpoon that can be found during the minigame so its free additional xp for those with barb fishing unlocked.
  3. Make scripts have similar behaviour as me when I play. So inefficient (since i always watch netflix on the the side), train a different skill every time and hold plenty of siestas. By doing this haven't been banned since I started using OSBot.
  4. From what I can remember you can predict where Jad spawns based on a specific monster from a previous wave. I think it was the lvl 45 mob that spawn in wave 3 is where Jad will spawn exactly.
  5. Script is broken again, closes itself after launching
  6. Would love to get authed for this. Are there any specific scenarios you want to get tested?
  7. I got 99FM with it on my ironman, 8 hours a day and 90 minute sessions are WAY too long. You want to set the bot to 10-40 minutes (randomized) bot time and then a break between 15-30 minutes (randomized). I did 3 hours spread out across the day. If you really want to avoid bans be sure to do some WT manually. You might wonder why only 10 minutes at times? More often then not when I do manual session I only log in for one or two KC and log off. Botting will always have a risk, especially on an IP you got banned on before (flagged). If you care about the accounts make it look as humanly as possible. And playing giga efficiently for over an hour+ is really sus.
  8. Got 99 with the script, the script hit a steady high exp/hour most of the time with plenty of siestas.
  9. I am talking about the mirror mode client, I think you leave the client at 1000ms instead of setting the client to 50 ms.
  10. Be sure to set reaction time to 50ms. Im also using mirror mode and have a much higher exp/h, something around 240k/h if i remember correctly.
  11. Used this script to get bones to peaches, pretty solid script.
  12. that is pretty insane, i have this scripts for a few months now and only do 1 hour a day tops and only few days a week. gz on 99
  13. Used mirror mode for 3 months and havent been banned so far. Just be sure to only bot responsibly if you want to keep your account.
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