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Everything posted by Probability

  1. There are some scripts which you can drive from your command line module in Windows (i.e. CLI). You can put in your settings into the command line and it will execute in one go. I'm not sure if these scripts have such functionality, however they will usually say if they do on the script forum thread.
  2. Probability


    I don't think there is any? I believe the owner only owned those two. He was forced to shut down via Jagex legal team efforts.
  3. They seem to go by IP's more than anything. So as prior, just make sure you're using different IP's.
  4. Have taken a few sample prices. As far, spreads have widened (was 0.10 - 0.15 just the other day, now 0.11 to 0.19). Twitch Prime would have caused a lot of gold supply which should push down their sales price but it's not. They're just lowering their bid prices for gold because each now has a stronger market position with Bolga/Arcus out of the way. Merch - Sell / Buy / Spread ezrsgold - 0.63 / 0.42 / 0.19 food4rs - 0.60 / 0.44 / 0.16 rsmils - 0.59 / 0.48 / 0.11 probemas 0.62 / 0.43 / 0.19
  5. But this is why I think the spread (i.e. difference between buy and sell prices) would increase. I don't think the value of the gold changes versus USD. Since you take out a large market maker, the other market markets will increase the price at which they sell gold and reduce the price at which they buy gold. Overall I think it's a negative for botters who are farming gold to sell. Again, happy to be wrong, I don't have a crystal ball.
  6. The volume of gold being produced shouldn't technically change and hence its value shouldn't - but I'd imagine the spread between the buy and sell price increases.
  7. Yep they change positions, hence why I can't create a predefined area to go to. The below finds me the area and then should go to it...and it eventually does but keeps running past it for some reason. WalkingEvent myEvent = new WalkingEvent(boil.getArea(2));
  8. I'm not sure why but using setMinDistance Threshold doesn't seem to be working in this case (even with it set at 0). It still runs right past the boil for about 5 seconds, stops, rethinks and then goes to the correct point. It should be either running right near to the boil...or if it runs past, stops via the break condition. public void searchboil() throws InterruptedException { status = "searching for boil"; RS2Object boil = getObjects().getAll().stream().filter(obj -> obj.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Boil")).findFirst().orElse(null); if (boil != null) { status = "boil not null"; sleep(250); runtoboil(); status = "attempting to interact with boil"; if (boil.interact("Burn-down")) { status = "burning boil"; Timing.waitCondition(() -> !myPlayer().isUnderAttack(), 5000); status = "wait condition end"; } // } } } public void runtoboil() throws InterruptedException { RS2Object boil = getObjects().closest("Boil"); status = "webwalking event to boil"; sleep(250); WalkingEvent myEvent = new WalkingEvent(boil.getArea(2)); //making the event myEvent.setMinDistanceThreshold(0); myEvent.setBreakCondition(new Condition() { @Override public boolean evaluate() { return boil.isVisible(); } }); execute(myEvent); }
  9. Thanks @Malcolm. Sounds like I should put something in the else part..maybe run a bit and then search for the boil again. if (boil != null) { ......... } else { run to another location }
  10. It seems that without this bit of code, sometimes it will get into the abyss and not be able to find a boil locally. Then it will sit there, not being able to move.
  11. I'm in the process of writing a basic abyss runecrafting script. It requires some code to search out an obstacle like so: RS2Object boil = getObjects().getAll().stream().filter(obj -> obj.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Boil")).findFirst().orElse(null); And then run to the obstacle, navigate it and move on. if (boil != null) { if (!innerring.contains(myPlayer())) { status = "found boil"; if (getWalking().walk(boil)) { status = "walking to boil"; if (boil.interact("Burn-down")) { status = "burning boil"; Timing.waitCondition(() -> innerring.contains(myPlayer()), random(5000, 6000)); } } } } However I'm noticing that it will often begin running to find the obstacle.....and then run straight past said obstacle for about 5-10 seconds before noticing. Then it will backtrack to the obstacle and continue on. Is there a way to make it just run to the obstacle without running straight past it? P.s. please feel free to rip on my noob code.
  12. I don't really know. I haven't had that issue as such. You can test by using a server.
  13. Here, top link. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=RyO8XdXRDZif9QO02oPgAQ&q=mod+rs+tutorial+island&oq=mod+rs+tutorial+island&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30l2.183.8417..8552...9.0..0.274.4950.0j24j4......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131j0j0i3j0i10j0i22i30j0i22i10i30j33i160j33i21.d5ThxustSNk&ved=0ahUKEwiVkbaKgMnlAhWYT30KHTTtABwQ4dUDCAg&uact=5
  14. Just to clarify, I don't think it's possible to make a tutorial island script which doesn't have a high ban rate. It's up to the user to know when to bot tutorial island and when not to. You're an awesome coder which is why I've bought several of your scripts. @Kramnik, have you tried an rsmod tutorial island account?
  15. It's due to today's update. Give the Dev's some time to fix and try again tomorrow.
  16. Yes, it's due to today's update. Come back tomorrow and try once the Dev's have had a chance to fix.
  17. I think it's the tutorial island script. I also use Malcolm's script for tutorial island accounts - but these I expect to be banned in a day or so. I don't even bother logging in after to check. Also, are you running these from a datacentre or residential IP? The latter has a lower ban rate in my experience. My suggestion would be to buy some accounts (with tutorial island completed) from @Naked and see how you go. Or do tutorial island by hand.
  18. I'm also having problems. When I try to use the auto login it can't seem to do anything. Just sits there with the red-tinged background. I've tried both my local scripts and SDN scripts. If I log in manually and try a script, it can't seem to work. I can't see anything weird about the logs... [INFO][11/01 12:03:27 AM]: Loaded 5 RS accounts! [INFO][11/01 12:03:29 AM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.5.60! [INFO][11/01 12:03:36 AM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 185! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:36 AM]: Initializing stealth injection bot... [INFO][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:36 AM]: Downloading latest RS2 old-school client parameters... [INFO][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:37 AM]: Downloading latest RS2 old-school client... [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:39 AM]: Injected bot reference into client! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:40 AM]: Injected world accessors! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:40 AM]: Injected 37 class and 328 field accessors! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:40 AM]: Injected canvas! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:41 AM]: Injected 4 model update calls! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:41 AM]: Injected 7 definition calls! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:41 AM]: Injected 32 definition transformation calls! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:41 AM]: Injected random.dat patch for bot #1 [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:42 AM]: Injected 4 tooltip callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:42 AM]: Injected 2 config callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:42 AM]: Injected 12 head message callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:42 AM]: Injected 3 chatbox message callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:45 AM]: Injected 18 draw skip points! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:47 AM]: Injected 0 hit splat callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:48 AM]: Injected 3 equipment callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:48 AM]: Injected 2 login return code callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:48 AM]: Injected 1 tick callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:50 AM]: Injected 15 analysis callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:52 AM]: Loading RS world : 390 [INFO][Bot #1][11/01 12:03:53 AM]: Initializing 39 API modules... [INFO][11/01 12:03:53 AM]: Started bot #1 [INFO][Bot #1][11/01 12:08:10 AM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 180 minute(s), you will break for 120 minute(s). [INFO][Bot #1][11/01 12:08:10 AM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][11/01 12:08:10 AM]: Started script : oakcutter [INFO][Bot #1][11/01 12:08:15 AM]: Terminating script oakcutter... [INFO][Bot #1][11/01 12:08:15 AM]: Script oakcutter has exited! [INFO][Bot #1][11/01 12:08:35 AM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 180 minute(s), you will break for 120 minute(s). [INFO][Bot #1][11/01 12:08:35 AM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][11/01 12:08:35 AM]: Started script : oakcutter [INFO][Bot #1][11/01 12:08:40 AM]: Terminating script oakcutter... [INFO][Bot #1][11/01 12:08:40 AM]: Script oakcutter has exited!
  19. I sometimes buy accounts from large known providers (won't name names because I feel like I'm advertising). But it can be very very expensive and given how high ban rates are, I don't normally see it as worth the cost.
  20. Hey Malcolm It's not a big deal but the newer version seems to be spam clicking the gate after cooking the shrimps. Could we potentially put in a wait condition so it will only click once? (and try again if the gate isn't opened in X seconds).
  21. I made a script which does extra wc checking - banks it all up so I never get banned.
  22. Great job. Tried it out on 4 new accounts. Sometimes when cancelling the audio it will miss the top music option. Might be worth adding a check. Otherwise these all work fine.
  23. I haven't noticed a difference in ban rates. My stats are about 20 validated accounts versus about 100 non-validated.
  24. Ban rates go up when you don't break up your questions into sentences and paragraphs
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