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Everything posted by 85mining99

  1. hello could i get a trial please thank you
  2. hey yeh im not sure if it was going to make its way back i caught it at the time and am not sure if it was their for a second for 10 mins. also unfortunately the account got banned what would you recommend for bot running to breaking times. thank you
  3. hello would it be possible to get a free trial thank you!
  4. Hello i purchased this script and found a couple things that could do with some work. but this is a great bot! so i have been using this at piscatorus and noticed it chases implings if they hover over iron ore any suggestions? also yesterday when i was using the script i set it to mouse of screen and the mouse would be very rapid and always land in the middle of the screen. thanks in advance.
  5. hello i am really sorry to be a pain i purchased the wintertod script when i was waiting for the trial =/ would it be possible to try the fishing instead please thank you
  6. hello! would it be possible to please get a trial! thank you!
  7. purchased last night did not want to wait for trial! but... i was chopping willows and banking at barb assault needs work on script kept getting stuck standing still. also went to check and could not get past the (click here to play) screen thanks
  8. hello would i be able to get a free trial thank you!
  9. hello would it be possible to get a free trial please. also can you recommend the safest way to use. like how long to bot to how long to break. thank you.
  10. 85mining99


    Can I please have a trial thank you
  11. Hello all I’m trying to bot a mining account with a payed script but keep getting bans whatever new acc I make I am purchasing a proxy but can someone tell me how long to run and break for thank you
  12. Hello all I am looking for a Osrs mining account must have 85+ mining also no email linked or set from new no bans/mutes thanks for your time pm me what you have and price
  13. 3 different account ban for using this one of them no more than one hour what am I doing wrong?
  14. What’s a good time to run this boy for compared to down time can someone help thanks
  15. Any chance of a trial please thank you
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