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  1. After getting a level it seems to get stuck bc of the level interface that pops up
  2. i was just wondering where the scripts went. wasnt asking for a refund xd it use to show up in client but not forums and then i deleted osbot cus i wasnt using it for a while and downloaded it back and gone.
  3. havent botted in a few months. can i not use the script even though i bought it? does him getting suspended remove his scripts that I have bought?
  4. It's working fine for me, but it's running on like 1fps with and without new mouse
  5. did you not read what the others said? osrs had an update so the devs need to update the client.
  6. All I have to say is that you chose the best site to bot on and I'm not being biased. The other bot websites are scuffed. Their forums are wonky and their scripts page(if they even have one) looks terrible. That's why I love this site so much it looks so clean and the scripts page is amazing! Also the amazing support from everyone especially the mods and the frequent update to the client.
  7. you can look into czars perfect runecrafter script. you can have the bots run the essence to you "You can setup a master account (preferably your main account, can be any account) and a worker account (a throwaway bot account, or any account) will trade the master account and go to bank to get more runes etc. The main account (master) does not need to bot, and can be achieved through the normal RS client without a bot client."
  8. ahhhh man thats so dope man and the hiscores are back i miss having the hiscores and it looks hella updated too. niceeee!
  9. broo i ran the script last night in world 2 and someone dropped an ely, but sadly it didnt pick it up i sent a snap to my friend to show but didnt save a screenshot to my pc before having the bot sell everything imagine waking up to see the bot had an ely in the bank. broooooo
  10. I was trying to get a progress of over 77 hours, but sadly the rs update ruined it so this was the last screenshot I took. Also I don't remember what the price was for this script, but yeah the price should be a lot higher with everything that it does and how efficient everything is. Definitely should be higher. You can easily make the money back in less than a day. Also if you could tell me how to insert the photos in the messages that would help me a lot it keeps giving me an error screenshot: 55 hour progress
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