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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Mackadizzle

  1. LMAO "he had 70+ in most skills so i was 99% sure hes a bot" im the exact opposite. if i see a person with like, a combat brace, no quests done, and a ton of level 1 skills, and then a random 99 or two, thats when i assume they bot
  2. I been here longer than like 95% of people i see active these days. im a veteran hook it up
  3. Yeah, idk why post count matters anyways lol, ur still posting in the forums though, so it should
  4. Im bringing a story of hidden love and passion to people. you should care
  5. Id ask him, but hes too shy, so he pretends to ignore me instead
  6. just admit you love me, u blocked me and still look at every single post i make
  7. He supposedly blocked me on the forums, idk how that works but yeah he doesnt wanna see my threads. But if i make a thread he clicks on it and posts shit like this, and im sure he reads them LOL. He's done this like 5 times or more. why even click on my threads or waste ur own time replying if i bother u so much, this guy loves me deep down
  8. what. lol why would u click on my thread then >.> uve posted pics like that a few times, i wonder why u go through the effort to make it clear that u choose to ignore my posts LOL then look at them anways
  9. lmao u said the gym is bad for ur heart. everyone should stop going to the gym because its bad for u basically i see so many people at the gym doing low weights fast reps for cardio and shit, or even just using the treadmill or eliptical. theyre HELPING their heart. u might see 1 or 2 buff guys showing off maxing out/working too hard and possibly doing long term damage to their hearts but 99% of people are doing themselves good
  10. I disagree with this guy saying gyms suck lol thats just stupid. the wise old man is a dumbass, the gym wont hurt your heart and its not unnatural unless you over exert yourself with weights you cant manage. but body weights are free yeah, they do help you out, and bulking up doesnt necessarily help in fighting. Its actually the opposite >.> bulky/buff people get winded more easily than someone whos lean and has more natural/average muscle because of the blood/oxygen needed to fuel those muscles lol. You can use gym and freeweights vs body weight as like some bar fight argument, but they both are great depending on which body type ur going for. u can always do both? or one or the other? it doesnt make you inferior, ud just have a body built for different things. mass isnt what everyone goes for, and some of the buffest people arent necessarily the most in shape people
  11. It is all body weight shit, but those can still be awesome workouts lmao, idk why ur hating. working out isnt all about "building mass", its about improving what your body can do, and bettering yourself from how you were last week/month/year. Not all about being big and buff and cut This guy has almost 7000 subscribers, im sure hes helped out one person, and thats all that really matters
  12. Honestly, the most you could do is lock the account if they decided to take it back, you might even get it back also, but in the end, if they want to keep fighting for control of the account, theyll always win if you have doubts, dont do it lol, its not worth it. if you trust the seller, go for it
  13. Theres NOTHING you can do to 100% secure an account when you buy accounts your just trusting that the seller wont recover it lol, theres nothing u can do to stop them from taking the account back
  14. Is that skype target? If its not, hes trying to scam. Says hes too busy to pm me, i dont think its him
  15. Ranged level: 68 Defence level:13 Do you agree to the Terms Of Service:yeeeee
  16. I have a pure laying around, its f2p. I can't make a proper account thread with screenies and stuff for this reason Its 42 combat with monkey madness done, and the stats for mith gloves done (skills only, not quests) 65 magic on it also, with 1 defence, 45 attack, 32 strength Skype: Mackadizzle.Osbot if interested
  17. Theres already a 50m bid on it >.>
  18. People Pc'd me this account at 80-100m but hasn't been much interest in it. gonna let it go to the highest bidder today for 50m if nobody else is interested. Just though id let people know just incase anyone wanted to throw a final offer out there http://osbot.org/forum/topic/56309-selling-maxed-75atk99str75def-dherbarrows-purestaker-top-1k-in-strength-99hpvenge-bgloves-slayer-helm-i108cb-high-herbslayer/
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