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Everything posted by Hachiko1

  1. the osbot script queue system when u queue scripts after one another. I want to use a walking script from GE to sand crabs, then queue your script to kill sand crabs untill out of ammo, then use the walking script again to walk back to GE. Right now this is not possible, because after ur script runs out of ammo/food, it terminates the whole queue, and the next scripts in line dont start.
  2. hey, when ur script is out of food or ammo, it logs out and stops script. But it also terminates the whole osbot queue (if there is one). Can u make it so it only stops the script, and then continues the script queue?
  3. Can I have a trial for this?
  4. Hello again! Sorry I was not able to test the trial you gave me on sunday. Are you able to provide me with another please?
  5. Hey can I get a 2day trial?
  6. Hey any chance of trial?
  7. Hachiko1

    Czar Kudo Solver

    Hey could i get a 72hr trial please?
  8. Hey could i get a trial for this? (asked in main thread as well)
  9. Hey could I please get a trial for this?
  10. Hey can I please have a trial?
  11. Hello again! I never got to use this trial as I was struggling with an appeal, but now its fixed! Is it possible to have another trial?
  12. Hey can i get a trial for this?
  13. Hey can i please have a trial for this?
  14. Hey can I have a trial for this?:)
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