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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Deffiliate

  1. Deffiliate

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    whatchu changin ur name to?
  2. Can we have a clan wars event next? PLZZZZ I wanna' smack down @Swizzbeat so bad.
  3. TBH this thread makin' me all emotional w/ all the good men we've lost. Will never be the same :'{
  4. I'd say about tree fiddy.
  5. Went fishing today. First time in a few years actually. Went out to a local river. We went at noon, were using nightcwarlers and lures. Caught about a dozen small rock-bass, and 2 keepers ( 6-pound channel catfish and 4-pound small mouth bass)
  6. Wow I miss seeing week long proggies :P LOL but glad ur doin yo' thang Asuna :3
  7. OMG this reminds me of the time i tried explaining to one of my teachers the difference in deduction and memorization.... He seemed to think that the person that could memorize the most and studied hardest was the smartest in the class.
  8. Scripter of the month: My top choices were: Eric (Dream scripts) , Noto (C&P scripting), and Swizzbeat (Just being Swizz) In the end tho Dream scripts with Eric AND Eliot came out on top. Not only did they load our SDN with some essential AIO scripts from the launch of OSB2, they also actively contribute to the client. Mod of the month: Mikasa - 'Cus with mods it's all about personality for me, and Mikasa makes me happy just by being around.
  9. Such BS... that's grade-A ass rite there.
  10. NK's right, when you design something to appeal to a broader audience (Tablets and touch interfaces), then you're going to create alot of un-needed clutter and bullshit for people using it as JUST a PC... As a programmer i'll never use windows 8. It's just so sickening to me. I'm just glad they crated Win7 before deciding to go down the route they did.
  11. Ur pic dunn work. can't fap to ur future wife plz fix.
  12. Dude road is a dangerous place! Always keep ur gayurd up and pay attention on the road. Trust me there's alot of dumbasses and Assholes on the road.
  13. I actually made something that uses same algo for finding the position ur at in path. Then, I created a class Node, which is just liek a tile. Node has 2 functions: atNode() and interact() the default interact() for a node is to walk The constructor for this class contains the position of the node. Then I have two more classes NPCNode and ObjectNode that extend node. These 2 classes extend node and override interact method to itneract with the specified object, with the specified verb. (They take id/name and a verb as constructor + the Position for Node.) Also, with the ObjectNodes and NPCNodes i sometimes override the interact() or atNode() methods if i need a more complex interaction. Finally, I got a class called NodePath which traverses the a list of NPC's (Which includes objectNodes and npcNodes's since they extend node.)
  14. OK We chill with the Viet-Cong?
  15. Hell ya might watch this 2nite
  16. This is what our country was foudned on though, standing up to our gov't and rebelling when we don't like the way they act. Don't like their tea taaxes? Sink their boat, Don't like their firework laws? Mortar strike them. In all honesty im not really doign all that. I am smuggling back fireworks to my state tho. However, i think US gov't is more corrupt than a preacher that owns an ice cream truck.... OMFG I gotta go too xD U coulda picked me up. U shooting urs off somewhere cool?
  17. #RIOT # Turn UP! : ANARACHY ON OSB! #TeaParty @> Join ur neighborhood militia &blow shit up #New World Order Independance day? That's right. Today's the day I declare independance from my corrupt and shitty gov't. I'm travellign to another state to buy some fireworks cus theyre illegal in my state. Then im gonna' shoot them at the courthouse from behind this one building, then drive away. (Kinda' like a mortar strike ;D) INB4 CIA and FBI show up at my house.....
  18. This is outrageous. We here at OSB treat our e-Whores with a bit more respect.
  19. Looks awesome, btw do u have any way of prioritizing certain resources?
  20. I'd assume this is justa dealayed ban. Usually JAgex doesn't hand out the ban til after you log in. I thin kthey do this to make the ban more devestating xD- Anways, I wouldn't regard that committed date as 100% fact.
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