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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Deffiliate

  1. All you need is 30 smithing and 30 agility to start. Very easy requirements for huge cash.
  2. Yes. I know you've got my script. Would love to hear what you've got to say on that topic. I'd say everything I've claimed about my script is true, and I usually provide excelllent customer feedback (Been busy this week with a new script, but still working on KotD). I definitely think some scriptwriter's could provide better feedback. Let's hear what you've got to say
  3. Curernt progress update: I've been selling alot of gold as well.
  4. Hey man, Quite a cool goal you have. I check the Motherload out and it seems like a great place. I was contemplating making my own but it seems many other people have it covered already. ANyways, enjoy the xp, cooal ass mining suit, and ores. BTW, if you need to unload some ores talk to me :DD
  5. Possible Badges: "Script competition winner" "Signature of the Week winner" "OSBot wilderness Wars participant" There are alot of events we could hold and give users badges to show-off for it. We kind of already do something like this buy giving SotW winner a temporary PiP badges != pips.
  6. You'd be surprised what can happen when the community is hyped enoguh about something. Don't forget that our hard-working Mods have the power to organize and host these events! If we want these kinds of things we need to show support for them. TBH, A bunch of the developers could get together and run the scriptign competitio's ourself. Of course i nthe scriptign competitions community feedback would be huge. We'd release all scripts in the competition free for 2 weeks on the SDN before everyone can judge .
  7. Ran about a total of 8 hours today. Made alot of update and improvements. Should boost bars/hr higher than you even see in the progyy.
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHA! This is hilarious! I remember the awkward moments when my mom used to buy me tissues. I would just be like "Yeah thanks mom, myy nose has been really runny lately :P"
  9. I'd love for some of the more active members of the community to do this with alot of the premium scripts. It would have to be to be someone who's ran all the scripts for a long time in a certain category though.
  10. Alot of people have been saying this. I raised the price to $25 with a $10 renewal. How does this sound?
  11. This is seriously fucking epic Gilgad. You sir are now a legend, co-mingling with our competitors. Make our enemies our friends and then learn their secrets
  12. Roomscape seeks to usher in a new era of 64-bit stoopidness.
  13. Heck yeah, especially if we start hosting some cool competitions/ community events :DD
  14. You make 500-900 bars/hr depending on your team. Blast furnace uses 1/2 coal so do the math.
  15. Quick little update: Total value: 15.5m
  16. You think so? I was hesitant to make the script more than 10 bucks because I assumed most people wouldn't pay that, but I'm curious to see what everyone opinions are on pricing for this script. Yeah, guys post below on what you guys think the price should be on this script .
  17. Smart idea man, I think players should get together and form bot teams. I want my testers running in a team with myself so you could show me how to improve the bot WHILE we're botting it as a team
  18. I've already got a team together. I suggest that members PM each other and start worlds w/ each other
  19. Accepted, I like the way you speak, very clear and informative. accepted, 'cus I know if you use it all the noobs will join in with you! Accepted, Let's play Blast Furnace! Once script is released you will both have access!
  20. Wanted to show you guys what the number look like with more people on the team: Just started working on making the paint prettier etc. Also, if anyone wants to become a tester please apply now
  21. Wanted to show you guys what the number look like with more people on the team: Just started working on making the paint prettier etc. Also, if anyone wants to become a tester please apply now
  22. 6-hout proggy from last night. Was at 400k/hr for the first 2 hours but that slowly went down as my team faded away.
  23. Plan on pricing this pretty high $15 an $5 monthly because it's such a high-reward script for little req's! Also, I'm picking 5 people as testers, and who'mever becomes a tester will get free access to the script. I did alot of programming this past night and hugely improved efficiency!
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