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  1. This script gets the job done. But you do need to follow the inventory set up instructions exactly to prevent it from breaking. I was making oak larders.
  2. HI Czar, I love this script! Pest control is such a life saver, I've always hated that minigame. One suggestion for improvement is that sometimes the character gets stuck behind one of the brawlers and just stands there afking and losing participation. I'm not sure if that is the intended behaviour of the script. Perhaps a way to check if the character is attacking something every 10 seconds? EDIT: I was babysitting the bot and saw that when we won the game, the bot got into the congratulations dialogue box and got stuck standing there. I had to pause and unpause the script before it started working again.
  3. Is it the intended behavior of this script to not pick up fishing nets and ropes (hunting red salamanders) when performing smart hop?
  4. It was stealth injection on all 4 bots
  5. Did not use any other bots other than Frost Barrows. I bot straight for 10 hours each day without breaks,and on an update day, which probably explains the bans. Edit: There's sometimes a chance for the bot to be stuck doing nothing in a rare scenario. This happens when the bot is in the tunnels. When the bot runs out of food after reaching the killcount and killing the final brother, it does not loot the chest if health is low. It teleports out (to clan wars for me), banks, comes back, and gets stuck without any brothers to kill.
  6. Script runs smoothly for me without issues. Unfortunately, I may have botted for too long as 2 out of 4 of the accounts got banned. Total botted time over 2 days was about 20 hours for each account using this script. Luckily I mule everything off daily. Welp
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