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Everything posted by chowkebab

  1. hi boyz look i wanted to give feedback on my original post i've went back to botting straight away after the 2 day ban was lifted. so far it's been a bit over a week! though ive been only botting combat skills (none nmz)
  2. sorry for your loss though also curious which script did you use?
  3. nice responses finally not seeing those troll answers! i am curious on mirror mode, from u guys experience is it effective for account to not get the ban hammer as much?
  4. hi Molly, looking to get a thieving skiller going. keen to give this script a go if i may get a trial cheers!
  5. hey czar love ur fighter script keen to move onto thieving, if you can give us a trial for this would be great!
  6. when walking up slayer tower to gargoyle level script method 1 and 2 both tries to click agility short cut on second floor. i think this should be fixed if possible~
  7. Hey boyz, so i copped a 2 day ban. Now ive been researching a bit on this forum and few others, all i see was people saying “if you care about the account, dont bot again”. My question is has anyone had experience botting (no suicide, premium script only) after a 2 day ban? Was it banned easily or still alive. My plan is to bot it again as im not in this for money or anything. If no one has made it out alive botting after 2 day ban then obviously no point for me to try. Thanks boyz
  8. umm so boyz i came home and my bot decide to die for some reason now im broke and only got 5M cash left, i guess i gotta save up ?
  9. Hey guys first time using this so i guess credibility is important. Ive been searching the threads and cost for fire cape seems quite insanely high. I’ve got 72/82/72 combat stats 78 range 50 prayer loaded blowpipe ready + blessed d’hide set + fury + ava how much rsgp would cost to get fire cape done because i rly cbf doing it. Just post your price here. Cheers boyz
  10. can i kindly get a trial on this please much appreciated
  11. so this script is working or not now? was thinking to buy
  12. for me it is not mirror mode, i use the injection? method
  13. does the stronghold plugin suppose to work? my guy stands there and does nothing and log jsut says walking to this coordinate. EDIT - also bot seems to spam click a lot on the monster, is this usual?
  14. hi Czar i purchased the script, i think it works in most cases a few questions 1. chasm of fire - i don't think this is supported right? 2. catacomb of kourend - when it banks "nearest" it goes quite far away instead of the bank upstairs of the statue, it gets stuck also and won't go back to catacomb are these 2 maps meant to work? or am i doing something wrong
  15. i realised the save load is working actually, but just your last setting, so if i switch mob it need reset again for flesh cralwer, i went to stronghold, selected the mob from the list and started the grind, bot didnt click anything
  16. currently testing, in a slayer only area, let's see how it goes only confusions i have if Tom can clarify - if the mob 1 aggro on me and the bot clicks another mob 2, obviously my auto retaliate will attack back to the mob 1 in this case, the bot waits for the auto retaliate to happen (this is good since there's no spam clicking! but a bit suspicious at same time in some sense, not sure what i can suggest here) second - banking options is lacking, when does the bot go to bank at the current stage of development? is it when food is out? inven is full? (i understand this feature is in pipeline) but need clarify above edit: save and load not working at the moment edit 2: perhaps include profit per hr or total profit looted in the paint (personally i like to know how profitable i am but that is just me) edit 3: loot filter set at 1000 gp but did not pick up ensouled head edit 4: goes off and pick loot of other people <<< this was annoying edit 5: did not work at flesh crawlers, didnt click to attack them, fully rely on auto retaliate
  17. can confirm the banking at the moment (not V232) is bugged. it keeps withdrawing the items then clicks deposit all in bag and cycles like this no matter which banking option i select, it is same result. hope the new version fix this
  18. i set it to nearest, let me give it another go and see how it goes if i manually set it i also faced issue on the banking side where it keeps deposit and withdrawing food - i use potato with cheese, i will test with other food as well and see if they work condition on banking used was out of food only
  19. would love a trial on this one Tom. very responsive i am loving it
  20. Hi czar, does this script support nieve slayer cave + the bank next to it? I trialed yesterday and seems like it doesnt go there to bank
  21. currently doing heaps of slayer, nieve is obviously one of the popular masters so i guess the ability to use the bank next to her is good! i guess a combat script which can facilitate all the slayer areas would be heaps attractive
  22. hey bro does this support slayer caves?
  23. hi boss any chance i could get a trial on this one? do i have to run this on mirror mode or not needed
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