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Everything posted by PENROSE



    malcom is mine keep ur dirty hands off first and last warning u hear me @Juggles
  2. is this what sparc mac used when he streamed runecrafting?
  3. can confirm, talked with few jmods on msn group chat...
  4. let me smell your fingers so i can tell for sure because it seems like you just pulled that straight out of your ass
  5. ffs i would read this but i cba this book... ill wait for the movie maybe ill decide to read it after i get banned
  6. +rep insane scripts and all because made by malcolm also did i mention its made by malcolm(super cool person btw)? because malcolm is turbo scripter who is also h0t i havent tested yet but i can tell its premium and its probably going to be my first script after i manage to collect enough money in my tin cup ps. dont get restraining order on me pls
  7. i mean holy shit is this actually what people listen to these days? i dont think this can be classified as rap... its a genre of its own... hmmm what would be an appropriate name for this genre... garbage... yep its almost comical how these "rappers" use up their entire vocabulary in one verse... "bitch, niqqa, ass, money, hoe" and thats about it... just repeat it and suffocate the sound so you cant even hear anything its just a mumbojumbo shit salad... shit and if that fails just resort to mumbling so nobody can even hear what the fuck you are singing look i dont have anything against proper rap which nowadays seems to be impossible to come by but the thing is... this isnt rap or any genre.. its just a big fat pile of shit anyways i guess i wont ever understand why people listen to that.. just like i wont ever be able to understand why some people sit on glass jars... shit let the hate come rolling in and heres a song because topic
  8. jerry is a jobless troublemaker so ofc hes sleeping 24/7 and always angry at the successful chad tomcat who gets all the bitches
  9. you make a good point... i guess i take that back, warsaw is the place to be
  10. this one goes out to one of my babes tom is me, jerry = haters in this thread
  11. im smart, im h0t and i got great taste in girls (obviously) and all you got is a nintendo switch l8r h8r
  12. yours is pretty dope but i dont bend that way wouldnt be surprised if girls are charging at you with an avatar like that
  13. are you telling me you never masturbated in your life? especially to a h0t and fertile woman like malcolm, charlotte or arctic???
  14. sorry for posting on a forum i guess ill just not post on a message board xxDDxXdxdXDXD ppp-please dont hit me m-master
  15. mmm yeeah baby come to my thread... its so hard to navigate to your profile while fapping
  16. idk about things to do but... things you should definitely not go to... warsaw
  17. ...so h0t i think its time for round 4
  18. i fapped to your profile pics... was very nice i tried using arctics avatar when i was going for round 3 but theres not enough skin so i had to resort to my imagination of a naughty santa girl ps dont ever change pic
  19. try to contact him and go up to him like "yo dude we should totally make this a joint venture and we can split it 50 50 and even increase total output instead of fighting" then he will say "idk man" you reply with "alright man, but i just partnered with X scripter and he works for BIG_COMPANY_NAME and hes working on a $7k script which will have 5% ban rate over 1k hours botting time... so let me know what you think" ofc hes going to try and make you nervous by waiting longer than normal and say "ok man lets do it".... then you two add eachother on discord/skype whatever and start talking and you prolong this process... then you pop him with the "you got an osbot acc?" (if he says no you tell him to make one).. .. ...then when he logs on osbot you pay one of the mods to leak his ip... you hire a hitman and boom job done now not only did you win the farming spot but also sent a message to the botting community not to be fucked with i expect a monthly kickback of 10% from your earnings for this masterplan..... or i'll
  20. i used to watch streams but i would eventually get banned on every channel i watched so i pretty much stopped in my experience streamers are just super shallow because you cant speak your mind, be funny or have an opinion that doesnt agree with the majority unless you are some stupid donor or someone with sub badge i even got banned in jagex stream during the allstar... idk what it was that caused me the ban but i said shit like "mika hill giant irl LUL" and i said something like cya lumby curry boy when the indian pker guy died so yeah... and the funny thing is like a week later some jmod was streaming and another jmod in his chat called the streaming jmod some slur i dont remember exactly what but i can tell you 100% i would have got banned if i said that during the allstar stream but he just got away with it... goes to show how full of bullshit people are anyways i mostly watch streams by big leagues and companies or whatever because they usually arent two faced cunts(mods usually are though..most of them probably redditors which would explain a lot) and when i think about it i probably havent watched a stream for like a month
  21. well the thing is (based on what you posted as your favorite) you probably wont like what i listen to.. im just assuming this based on how most people listen to specific genres so maybe im wrong and you like all kinds of music but personally i cant stand those "rap" songs and also i dont have favorites whether it be songs or genres if its something i like then i dont really care what genre/artist/whatever because why should i... if i like it right? anyways... i dont think posting a song here is going to say much because i dont think one song should necessarily reflect on what someones music taste is ... so yeah also heres a good song (not my favorite but i like it a lot)
  22. those are some pretty ok specs you have right now i dont understand why you want to upgrade lol shit i bet you can play most games and besides the only game you really need is runescape and even runescape you dont need you just bot so whats the deal.... is your pc crashing constantly or something that you neeeeed to get a new pc because if not i say just keep the money and buy one in a year or two when the gap between your specs and whats on the market is wider because it doesnt look like you need to upgrade tbh
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