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Everything posted by PENROSE

  1. apple fan for sure next time you have something to say maybe take the dick out of your mouth before speaking and at least have something of substance


    stopped reading at pitbull just euthanize it
  3. my "last" major trip few years ago i went all over the west coast huge disappointment especially the urban areas of los angeles, san francisco tbh i never thought much about when americans yap about how liberals or whoever turned those cities to complete shit but its hard to disagree.... sometimes it felt like i was on the south side of the border l0l... junkies, homeless/crazy people, shit, garbage and needles all over the place and that was my big regret from that trip.. my stay in the usa was around 3 months or so and i would have much rather went to the rocky mountains and hiked or something instead of california take it from me... you dont want to go where there are people loll thats the truth.... you want to go where its less dense ... those places are usually the better ones anyways you said someplace warm so maybe rocky mountains arent for u and if u havent ever been to the west coast then maybe you should just go there and see for yourself and make your own judgement of it instead of hearing what my thoughts are.... so yeah although the extent of my trip only went up to portland from san diego i didnt see much else north of oregon i kind of wish i hadnt stuck so close to the coast and gone further inland also my trip was june-sept and it was hot as a motherfucker i came back with a tan darker than any other vacation ive had ( it wasnt hot the same way as it is in say in iraq/afghanistan (if you have done any tours) or even mexico/southeast asia - its hot but the humidity makes it nice hot even if you could burn your skin touching any surface lol) shit this was a long post i should become an author of a book or something


    doesnt that bean almost look like some kind of chocolate fudge or mud cake anyways do u drink coffee and how? ice coffee? black coffee? with milk? cream? sugar? no sugar? stevia? hot? cold? with whiskey in? just kidding i dont fucking care
  5. i can be your consultant and pr guy for a modest 50% cut think about it... pretty good deal tbh
  6. l0l definately planned out
  7. i warned you about those weird midget-porn-sites you always keep visiting... now those midgets probably buying bonds with your gold and offtopic you know there are 3 red aces on your signature? because there are only 2 red aces in a deck
  8. i want a red or purple name and i think i deserve one because im a decent guy and i didnt get what i wanted this christmas so this would kind of make up for it ... but if i dont get any grey is ok and probably even better tbh edit wait what lool i didnt even see the 2 posts above lmfao wtf what happened lmfao cya franklin
  9. i honestly cant wrap my head around why people choose to use mac i think the only decent thing apple has ever made was the ipod and then the iphone and even the iphone is pretty disastrous nowadays... when i was in school we had macbooks or whatever they are called and they sucked so fucking hard i think we had apple because it cant run any decent game and basically only is to be used with shit like text editor and whatever which windows does better anyways
  10. fuck and i cant even manage 60 fishing without getting all suicidal .... some people i tell you but then again different strokes for different folks maybe he enjoys clicking at a screen for how many thousands of hours then whos to complain right
  11. sup there dude im new here too but my arrival was unwelcomed anyways u and me are in the same boat i dont know what the fuck is up or down in this business and so far i got nothing... i guess ill be checking this thread later hoping to pick up something useful and if i had something to share i would but like i said im empty ..... also welcome
  12. lol ok first off i want to say this its called domain not url secondly you dont even need to own a specific domain or whatever u can just create an account with almost anything in the email field,,, even some shit like deadfish@deadfish.com and then change it in the account page with like "i dont have access to the email" or whatever and it wont have any email registered lol and last but not least i can do this
  13. this right here is something neat this i could probably do i probably have that garys autotyper from the good old days and i could probably use that cool shit bro
  14. look now i know im new and all but whenever botting come to my mind i thought of these massive industrial scale operations like the bitcoin miners just huge server rooms with endless bots running 24/7 and cashing out their pay in fucking stacked bullions irl from armored cash transports l0l and here everyone is saying 6 hours is too much and one should only bot like 2 hours or some shit that makes me wonder if this is even worth it and then i remember how there are some people talking about making millions of gp per day but that doesnt make sense since you would need an army of bots like i mentioned in the first paragraph... and then so it goes full circle...
  15. shit i had no idea this shit was so deep imagine a few days ago i could have been playing like the classic noob and probably walked past like 50 bots doing this shady shit pretty cool when u think about it i probably even am flagged myself because i play like a fucking bot.. not long or efficient just doing noob shit nobody does like chop willows for money shit being f2p sucks ass i tell u and this molly guy is running some massive empire lmfao if anyone of u have played bdo u probably see runescape through the same lens but workers = bots i need to start coding and join molly so we can run a botting cartel
  16. lmfao whats so hard about it..? kill shit = level up and this guy right here publishing a fucking book on a botting forum rofl going into detail about blocks and shit kill stuff = 99 slayer boom best advice so far this thread
  17. im pretty sure like 90% of all pkers use some autoswitch shit its fucking sad but im not gonna complain... im on a botting forum l0l anyways id probably use one too but cant be fucked to set that up isnt there a streamer that uses some autoswitch ... amenity? i swear he uses one. his latest streams have all been pve - probably got banned on one of his pking accs for macro l0l and is cautious now im just speculating
  18. we're all sinners here
  19. that fucking blows shit i guess starting the bot once a week isnt too bad instead of playing manually l0l
  20. I'm sorry if I have violated any rules regarding post counts. If such is the case, I would have complete understanding if a moderator is to delete or merge my threads, On a side note, hello there ProjectPact!! Glad to see you what was it like for you starting out at OSBot? I'm sure you have some stories you can share!
  21. Hi I am new here on OSBot (well I actually made the account back in 2018 a month or two ago) and since my friends started talking more and more about botting I was both intrigued and coaxed towards this activity. This together with the fact that I am somewhat lazy in the game besides not having enough time on my hands to actually dedicate to farming gold or grinding away at EXP I wound up here as per recommendation by my friends. So without further ado let's get to know each other and I suppose we could begin with a simple greeting below or if you'd like you can tell me about your story of when you started here as a new member and what your experience was like. Also any tips and tricks are greatly appreciated!!! I'm really looking forward to continue my RuneScape adventures from this website!!
  22. plus i want to add that my post about forum hobo wasnt directed at you because u are obviously someone who interacts and stuff just looking at ur profile it says shit like middleman, service, veteran and donor.. u probably have written enough with those 12k posts to equal a harry potter book and u got 3k +rep and 1k feedback so honestly if it was to come from you i would have a little more understanding but comparing the other guys profile to yours i dont think he has any right to say anything its like me telling you that you are no value to the community its so fucking backwards it makes sitting on a glass jar look like a good idea i still like you though
  23. yeah well see the thing is im not just gonna sit back and let anyone talk shit to me what do you expect? and what bad impression?`it was a perfectly fine retaliation.. in an alternate universe where pooptardjake didnt go and attack me i wouldnt have a problem with him seems logical doesnt it? honestly i want everyone viewing this to be objective about all of this and tell me i did something wrong because i didnt lol if you look back at my posts from when i joined i was just new and happy and messing around a bit cracking a few jokes here and there but then the grinch shows up and tells me to get banned and get the fuck out of here and im the bad guy how does that make sense i guess if i leave now and come back in 2022 i can tell everyone to get banned and shit just because i have 4 years on my profile? maybe i need to be a grumpy mean cunt that never posts and when i do post i tell people to get banned because then people will automatically side with me. sorry for being a little too happy for this place
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